[JANUARY, 1902.
Heads of Military and Marine, in order that Government and the Honble. Court of Directors may be kept Constantly informed of the Charges of that Establishment, and of the Increase and Decrease therein.
Resolved that Lieutenant R. H. Colebrooke, Assistant to the Surveyor General, be directed to take Charge of that Office, and Authorized to draw the Establishment Annexed to it from the present Date.
Ordered that a Copy of the above Minute and Resolutions be Recorded in the Military Department.
Ordered that another Copy be sent to Captain Kyd, with Extracts from the Board's proceedings on the 5th of November 1792, and 1st Instant relative to his Appointment to the temporary Command at the Andamans.
Ordered that Captain Kyd be informed that the Allowance granted to Mr. Wood, who is on duty as Surgeon at the Andamans, not providing for Medicines or Instruments &ca, Such of these as may be occasionally wanted at the Andamans are to be obtained, as they have been hitherto, by Indents on the Hospital Board.
1793. No. V.
Fort William 18th February, 1793.
Copy of Captain Kyd's Commission as Superintendent at the Andamans.
Agreed that the following Commission be granted to Captain Kyd. - The Right Honorable Charles Earl Cornwallis Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Governor Gener... and Commander in Chief Peter Speke William Cowper, and Thomas Graham Esquires Counsellors of the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal and its Dependencies To all to whom these Presents shall come and Greeting Know ye that we reposing espècial Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity Prudence, and Circumspection of Captain Alexander Kyd, in the Military Service of the United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, have Nominated made Constituted, and appointed, and by these Presents do nominate make, Constitute, and Appoint the said Captain Alexander Kyd, to be Superintendant and Commandant of the Military Force Garrison, and Settlement now formed on the Island called the Great Andaman and Situated in the Bay of Bengal, likewise those Islands and Dependencies known by the Names of the little Andamans, The Cocos, The Preparies, Nurcandaam, and the Barren Island, also to superintend and Command all other Islands and Places Contiguous thereto, and lying within the Parralells of 10 and 15 Degrees of North Latitude and 92 and 95 Degrees of Longitude East from Greenwich, and all Harbours Towns Garrisons, Forts, Fortifications or other Military Works or Posts that now are or may be hereafter erected upon the said Islands, to hold them, in the Name and for the Use of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, and to keep and Maintain the same against all Enemies or Intruders whomsoever, He is Nominated, made, constituted, and appointed, by these Presents, to Control and Command all Officers and Soldiers, belonging to the Military and Marine Establishments of the said United Company, all Europeans and Native Artificers, Labourers and Servants of every Discription in the Pay or Employ of the said Company, and all Settlers, and Persons who now are, or hereafter may be, permitted to reside at, or be in any Manner attached or belonging to the Settlement and Dependencies aforesaid and they and each of all and every such Discription or Discriptions of Persons are and is hereby required and directed to obey all legal Orders issued by the said Captain Alexander Kyd, And, in general, he is to do and Perform all and every such Acts and things