Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 441
________________ OCTOBER, 1902.] MISCELLANEA. 433 Copt; 8. v. Maund, 431, i; ann. 1888: s.. Coraçoni; ann. 1563 : $. v. Tola, 707, ii, 6. d. Afghan, 5, i ; ann. 1867: 8. v. Soodra, 647, ii. Nizamaluco, 830, ii. Coptic ; 8. v. Supára, 663, i. Corah; 8. o. Piece-goods, 536, i; ann. 1786 : Coptis Teeta; 8. o. Mamiran, 419, i. 8. v. Allahabad, 8, i. Coq de Turquie ; ann. 1653 : 8.0. Turkey, 864, ii. Coralls; ann. 1880: 8. v. Corral, 200, ii. Coq-d'Inde; ann. 1653 : 8. v. Turkey, 864, ii. Coral-tree; 8. v. 196, ii. Coq d'Inde ; 8. r. Turkey, 719, ii. Corassam ; ann. 1550 : 8.. Kizilbash, 815, i ; Coque ; 8. v. Coco, 175, ii, 8. v. Coprah, 196, i. ann. 1559: 8. v. K zzilbash, 380, i. Coquer-nuts; ann. 1598: 8. v. Coco, 176, ii. Coraygaum; ann. 1803 : 8.». Pucka, 556, i. Coquer nutt; ann. 1678:8.v. Coco-de-Mer, 178,i. Corchorus capsularis ; s. v. Jute, 362, i. Coquo; ann. 1498-99 and 1561 : 8, v. Coco, 176, Corchorus olitorius; 8. o. Jute, 362, i. i; ann. 1598 and 1690 : 8. v. Coco, 176, ii. Corcopal ; ann, 1510: 8. t. Corcopali, 196, ii. Coquodrile; ann. 1328 : 8. v. Crocodile, 213, i. Corcopali ; 8. v. 196, ii. Coraal; ann. 1672 : 8. v. Corral, 200, ii; ann. Cordova olives; ann. 1563 : 8.0. Jamoon, 1726 : 8, v. Corle, 197, ii. 343, i. Corabah; ann, 1800 : s.v. Carboy, 125, i. Corea; 8. v. Ginseng, 288, ii ; ann. 1614: 8.v. Coracias Indica; 8. v. Jay, 349, i. Peking, 526, i; ann. 1627: 8. v. Monsoon, Coracle ; 8. v. Caravel, 124, ii. 442, ii. Coraçon; ann. 1563: 8. o. Opium, 489, ii, 8. v. Corean ; 8. 1. Numerical Affixes, 882, i and ii ; Tola, 707, ii. ann. 1617: 8. v. Satsuma, 602, ii. Coraçone ; ann. 1525: 8.0. Room, 581, i, s.o. | Corfu ; s. v. Firefiy, 268, ii. Sind, 634, ii; ann. 1563: 8. v. Hindostan (a), Corg; ann. 1615: 8. v. Beiramee, 61, ii, s. t. 316, ii, 8. v. Mogol, 436, i. Corge, 197, i, 3 times. (To be continued.) MISCELLANEA. A MODERN INSTANCE OF THE BELIEF IN 1 It may be noted that the person charged with WITCHCRAFT. witchcraft is a Medrasi. The petitioner himself BY SIR RICHARD C. TEMPLE. is a Bengali, and all the witnesses named are IN 1875, No. 2021 (now ex-convict), Pedatåla North-country Indians, including one Musalman, Lachigadu arrived in Port Blair from Madras as Bâbu 'Ali, the rest being Hindus. These Northa life.convict for killing an infant with arsenic country people knew the South Indian wizard by while trying to poison a man. The character sent the name of Lachhmana. I need hardly say that with him was that he was a poisoner and a person villages in the Penal Settlement of Port Blair are "skilled in witchcraft." In 1900 he was abso- made up of the most mixed population possible, lutely released and allowed to settle in Port Blair drawn from every class. caste and nationality as a free man, under the rules relating to well- in the whole Indian Empire, and many persons behaved, convicts. As long as he was a convict are only able to converse with neighbours in the his proclivities seem to have been dormant, but he peculiar variety of Hindustani, which has become returned to his old habits of practising "witch the lingua franca of the Settlement. craft" as soon as he was released. At any rate, his neighbours considered he had done so, for, in From the evidence it would appear that the March, 1902, I received the following petition strict and noisy performance of religious cerefrom them, through the Officer in charge of the monies and a reputation for witchcraft are all Garacherama Sub-division, in which they resided. that is necessary to constitute a village wizard in India, combined, of course, with a more or lesa The petition is given verbatim, and so is the open assertion of magical powers. So wily a evidence collected by this Officer, in order that personage as the life-convict ordinarily is would students may have the facts as presented to me be sure to take advantage for his own benefit of unvarnished. such a situation.


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