Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 540
________________ 524 . INDEX. 15 Graham, Thoma, Member of Council, 1793... 50 Hobson-Jobeon, the term in Literature ...514 f. Grammar, Theory of Universal, definition of Hobson-Jobson, cross index to, 106 ff., 157 ff., terms used in, 166; -notes on, 165 4.: 213 ff., 284 ff., 322 A., 853 ff., 387 ff., 429 ff., applied to English ... ... ... .. 166 471 4., 5.09 . Green, A., of the Military Board (1791) ... 385 Homem, Pedro, 28, 64; his ship in Canton Greene, A., Garrison Storekeeper, Calcutta in 1521 ... ... . .. * "* 15 (1794) ... ... ... ... ... 559 Honão, a division of China (Honan)... . 18 grindstone, use of, to detect theft ... ... 291 Hood Point in Port Cornwallis ... ... 237 grummet ... ... .. Hor, King of, the ... ... ... 307 Gudimetta near Nandigama in the Kistna Hottentots (10th Centary) ... ... 117, 187 District.. ... ... ... ... ... 231 Humphrya, Isaac, Seey, Military Board(1794).421 Gupsár Tank near Bankipore, excavations Hungarian, Theory of Universal Grammar . . ... 437 | B pplied to applied to ... ... ... ... ... 166 Gupta, Chandra I., date of death of ... 257, 260 Hutchinson, Capt, of the Carnarvon (1755)... 191 Gupta, Chandra II., date of death of 260 Gupta, Kumára, date of accession of, 260; death of, date of ... ... ... ... 262 ibex in Tibetan rock-oarvings... ... ... 400 Gupta, Maharja, date of ... ... ... 258 illustrator, term defined ... ... ... 165 Gupta, Para ... ... ... ... ... 261 impossible task as a preliminary to Gupta, Samudra, date of accession of... 257, 259 1. marriage ... ... ... Gupta Skanda ... ... ... ... ... 261 indicator, term defined... ... Gupta, Sri PrakasAditya, coins of ... ... 263 Indotthåna, apparently =Raula or WakhGupta Dynasty, the Early or Imperial; its tano in Baroda .. .. chronology, revised ... .. 257 4. infanticide arong Hindus, cause of... Gupta era, commencement of ... ... ... 257 Ingramrudoo Island (Maldives) ... Gur-dkar, king of Hor ... ... ... 36 inscriptions : Achæmenide Bhitari pillar Hadha Manthraio books, a note on the ... 309 the Bibar (Gupta) ... Hadokhta Nask, the remarks on the, 303; Girnar of Vastupala ... 490 greater part preserved Indôr (Gupta) . hair (human) propitiates serpent demons in Jánågaph (Gupta) ... ... ... 262 the Khasia Hills .. Kahâu (Gapta) ... ... 262 Hallam, an old Kuki dialoot ... Kanagiri of Potarija in Saka 1122 ... 231 handmill, use of, to detect theft ... ... LadAkht .. .. .. .. - 399 hangling = angle iron ... ... ... Mahinaman at Bodhgaya 192 ff. Happy Deliverance, story of the, 180 ff.; integer, term defined ... ... 165 launch of the ... .. .. . 131 Interview Passage in the Andamans, Harivamia mentions the Kerala ... ... 342 described in 1793 ... .. . ... 239 Harrington, J. H., Sub-Secretary .. ... 413 Intrepid, the, Ship ... ... 463 harvest festival in Ladakh ... ... 101 ff., 399 introducer, term defined . Havelock Island in the Andamans, described intromutation, the term defined in 1799 ... ... .. . . ... 235 Island of Trade, the .. .. ... 11 Haynáo Haidan .. ... ... .. 19 haytao ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Hechend, a division of China (Szechuan) ... 18 Jackall, the, Mr. Reid goes to 'be ... ... 461 Hermippon, his account of the Masdayasnian Jackson Ledge off the Andamans (1793) ... 238 religion... ... ... ... ... ... 800 Jagajjhampana, a title of Vallabharaja ... 482 Herodotus on the religion of the Persians... 299 1. Jagat Sétb, #Jains merchant of Makhs. Hinduism, two antagonistio tendencies in, dAbad ... .. .. ... . .. 66 401 f. : Vemana's writings against the con Jagatkampana, title of Vallabhardja... ... 489 ventions of ... ... ... ... ... 405 Jagipura, mound near Patna, excavations Hiroi-Lamgang, an old Kuki dialect... ... 4 at .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 488 history, want of feeling for, in India, 403; Jaina remains about Gayl ... .. ... 65ff. dooumenta, Indian, the mythology ... 488. I JAmbasarasthane, Jambhaar in Bronoh... 330 261 261 262 ... 165 ... 173


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