Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 535
________________ INDEX. 619 ... 36 222 Barlow, G. H., Register to the Nizamut bida, 'a halting place, a camp, an abode;' Adawlat ... ... ... ... ...84 f. the word often figures as a ... 222 Barodu; perhaps mentioned by the ancient Billisvara, = Balèsar, Baleshwar, in Baroda ; name of Vadapadraka ... ... ... 333 it was the chief town of a forty-two district. 256 Barren Island ... ... ... ... 50 Bir; Bee Bią ... ... ... ... ... 222 Barton, Capt., H. M.'s 76th Regt. ... Bintão = Bantam ... ... ... ... 17 Basgo, important rock.carvings near Bird Island, 180, 222 ff.; bebaviour of the Bason, North, in Port Cornwallis ... crew of the Doddington on, 191; birds and Bason, South, in Port Cornwallis ... eggs on, 120:- birds' nests, edible, menBasura, Basuri, Vasura, sangha ... tioned by Blair in 1793 ... ... 52, 235 bathing, efficacy of ... ... .. birth customs among the Singbalese, Batoi, the country of the, of Ptolemy, dis 378 f.:- superstitions at, in the Panjab, cussed ... ... .. .. ... . .. ... 814 516; sequence of, in Panjab superstition, batta, of a Major and of a Lt.-Colonel, 318; 516 "second" .. ... ... ... 453 full ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 47 Kur-dman-rgyalmo, wife of dBangpo-rgyaBauddha, used to denote the Muhammadans. 66 bzhin ... .. .. .. ... ... 35 Bauddha remains at Gaya described by a Blair, his description of the Andamans, 233 ff.; Jaina, 73:- imagea named Mahaders ... his description of the Andamanese, 239; his Bauddhas, the, in Magadhadoba (= survey of Old Harbour, Port Blair, 233 :Muhammadans) ... .. a list of his maps and plans of the AndaBaungahe - Lai... " ... ... mans and Nicobars in 1793, 89; his general bDud, the Tibetan Devil ... chart of the Andamans (1793), 210 f., Beach Mister, an appointment ... 273, 818 233 :- his accounts, 273: - sells the Beazley, Robert, of the Doddington ... 225 ff. Union to Government, 138, 243; builds Beer; Bee Bid ... .. .. ... the Leeboard ... ... ... ... ... 506 Bell, John, on the Cocos, in 1793 ... ... 209 blood, propitiates serpent demons in the Belluvalla, - the Beļvola country ... ... 865 Khasia Hills ... ... ... ... 328 Beluvala, = the Belvola country ... .. 865 Bodh-Gayinsoriptions of MahAnAman; the Belvola country mentioned as Belluvalla, two records are nearly contemporaneous, Beluvala, Vellu valla, and Velvalla ... 366 but are records of two separate persone ... 193 Bencoolen, the sloop (1794) ... ... ... 419 body, parts of the human, in Kuki-Chin "Bencoolen Government in 1794 ... ... 418 Languages ... ... ... ... .. Bentão Bantam ... .. .... 16 | Bonad in Baroda; ancient Babunad aivan, Bêté, an old Kuki dialect ... Vahanadasvan Bhadrapalt, a fanciful name of Bardolt in Surat. 398 | Bonivese, # Portuguese, who commanded Bhagalpur, the Jaina temple at ... . 1 Oimetere's ship . . .. 507 Bhagavata-purdna mentions Gokarnam ... 342 Boojum Rock off the Andamana described in Bhairava Lala, a Jaina god ... ... ... 68 1793 ... ... ... ... ... ... 239 Bhargavakshetram, old name for Malabar ... 838 Borne = Borneo... ... ... ... ... 17 Bharthanaka, = Bharthana in Baroda ... 363 Boswell, Bruce, Marine Paymaster in Calcutta Bharukachchha, Broach ... ... ... 994 in 1793 ... ... ... ... ... 86, 212 Bheer; see Bid ... ... ... ... ... 222 Botelho, Jorge, receives letter from China, Bhima Chaulukya ... ... ... ... 482 cire. 1520 .. . ... ... 10 Bhima Chaulukya II... akya . . . Bothwell, Neale, of the Doddington .. 115f., 223 f. 485 f. Bhimadeva Chaulukya II. ... ... ... 483 Brahmakund, a hot spring near Rajagiri ... 70 Bhimakavi, the "poet of abuse," 280; the age Brahmanapallika, probably = Bamroli in of ... .. ... ... ... 229 ff. Baroda ... ... ... ... ... 364 Bhir, Bheer; see Bią ... ... ... ... 222 Brahmavetas, the, do not submit to the Bhitart Seal, the... ... ... ... ... 261 • Brahmans ... .... ... .. 402 ff. Bhoja of Dhara defeated by Bhima Chaulakye. 482 breasts, painful, folk-cure for... ... ... 291 Bhubhata Chauda ... ... ... ... 481 Brittridge, Mr, Engraver ... ... ... 271 bhutavns, the sylvan deities of the Palliyârs.. 391 brother, mother's, son of, among the SinghaBhayada = Bhabhata ... ... ... ... 481 lese is the favourite bridegroom, 380 :- in Bia, in the Nizam's Dominions; perhape the Panjab .. ... .. .... ... 292 formerly known w Uppalikabida ... ... 222 brTanma = Skyabe-bdun ... .. ... 35 h .. 256 in


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