Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 537
________________ INDEX 521 *** .. ... 235 ... 27 . 17 est *** ... 111 .. . *** 19 4 chimchaos... ... Chimola = Kumari = Cape Comorin ... 349 Chin Languages are polytonic, 2:- Central Dialects, 3; Northern dialects, 3; Southern Dialects ... .. .. .. . 9 1. Chin = Ohina .. ... ... ... ... 23 Ohina in the 16th Century, 53 ff. :-Portu guese in, 1534-6, 10 ff.; divisions of, according to the Portuguese in the 16th Century, 18; the book of the 15 provinces of, 61:China, cities of, in 16th Centary, 23 t.; towns of, 23 f.; villages of, 23 f. ; commerce of, 25; arms in, 21 1.; land-tenure in, 22.; courts of justice, 24; administration of justice in, in 16th Oentury, 21; capital punishment, 22; porcelain in, 25; roadside rest-houses, 23; Chinbôn, a Southern Chin dialect ... ... ... ... ... ... Chinbôk, a Southern Ohin dialect ... ... Chiñchavibarajha, = More Chinchora in Ahmadnagar ... ... . ... ... 220 . Chinchoreh Moreen in Ahmadnagar; ancient Chitchaviharajhs .. .. 220 Chinese Christian, a, in 1624 ... Ohinme, a Southera Chin dialect ... ... 4 Chiquiño = Ohehkiang... ... Chiru, an old Kuki dialoot ... Chisholme, Nathaniel, Qr. Mr. of the Dodding ton ... ... ... ... ... 191, 925 . Chithradal, the, remarks on the ... ... 303 Chokhad in Baroda; ancient Chokkhakuti... 254 Chokkarája the Chålukya ... ... ... 231 Chokkhakuti, = Chokhad, in Baroda ; the places mentioned in the grant of A. D. 867, identified ... ... ... ... ... 254 chilas defined ... ... ... ... .. Chônavars = Jônaka M&pillas... .. Choranda in Baroda; ancient Chörundaka Chorundaka, = Ohoranda in Baroda... choupim ... ... .. choypi ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Christian, a Chinese, in 1524 ... ... chuckler, a shoemaker ... ... ... ... 81 chyrotta (chiretta), a medicine in 1793 ... 278 Cigtan, village of, in Ladakh ... ... ... 92 Cimetere, M. Antoine Charles de, 507; confined by order of Governor-General, 508; a French spy (1795), his doings ... 505ft. Olack, Heman, Beach Master at Port Cornwallis, his death ... ... ... ... 419 Clengh Passage (1793) in the Andamans ... 238 Cliff Island in the Andamans (1799) ... ... 238 Cobra-lilies as a fabulous flower 452 cocar nutt Cocoonut 136 Odobi = Cochinchina .... ... ... . ... 25 Cochin = Kochi, modern origin of ... ... 340 cocoanut oil manufactory on the Cocos in 1793 ... .. .. .. .. 20 cocoanuts on Poel Island in the Andamans, in 1793 ... ... .. .. . * coconuta = coooanuts ... ... ... ... 143 Cocos, the Settlement on the, in 1793...50, 209, 239 Coicheufa = Chiuehaufu, 57; of Sri Prakaadditya ... ... ... ... 263 coins unpublished, Ma'abar, 231 .:- Oojaca = Khoja Khan ... ... .. .. 17 coker nut = cocoanut ... ... ... ... 133 Obljay ... .. ... . Collett, Mr., of the Doddington, 114, 119, 121, 185, 189, 228 ft. :- his death ... ... 191 colours of the earth in Tibet ... ... ... 86. Columbo = Colombo ... ... ... 134 Commerce, the Ship Commander John Tayler. 808 compim ... ... ** ** *** comgom . ... ... .. ... comquis ... ... . . *** conch, blowing a sign of a magician Oonchefaa Kwangchaufu = Canton ... 54 Concongepapi ... ... ... *** Congo-pea dal seed ... ... .. congom ... . .. .. conjunctor, referent, term denned ... connector, term defined ... convicts in the Andemans in 18th Century, 189; origin of sending them, 77; at the Andamans (1794), 415, 457, 469 #.; from Bombay (1794), 463 1., European, at, from Bombay (1795), 465 it. :-attempted escape of, in 1795, 508 :- changes of, for May, 1794, 426; sent to Port Oornwallis, 421 :at Port Cornwallis in 1793, 280; at Port Oornwallis (1794) .. ... .817, 819, 320 Copestake, Mr. (Capt.), 312 f.; owner of the Pigot, 283, Captain of the Druid, Snow ... 464 Coral Bank in the Andamane (1795) = Western Bank ... ... ... 239 Corfield, F., Military Auditor General (1794). 394 Cormadell = Coromandell ... ... ... 134 Cornwall, the, Schooner .. ... 45, 81 Cornwallis, Earl (Marquesa), Governor General... ... ... .. .. ... 50 Cornwallis, Commodore (brother of the Governor-General), 41:- Admiral (1793)... 24R Cornwallia, Port, 283; described (1793), 236 .: sailing directions for ships bound for (1798), 240 chart of, steel plate, 80 copies of, 872:--the length of the rains (1793), 816 :- Settlement in, in 1792, 43; Native Infantry Detachment at, 45; establishment at, in 1798, 197 ff. - alarming sickness ... 165


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