[NOVEMBER, 1902.
During my Stay at Prince of Wales Island, I took the utmost pains to obtain information on the Various points recommended to me by the Board, and hope to have the honor of personally delivering my Report early in the next Month.
I have the pleasure to say that the Settlers here have been much more healthy this season. than the last, altho' the Rains have been more severe there having fallen from the 1" of last May to this poriod the extraordinary Quantity of 123 Inches which is more than twice t.be Quantity that falls in Bengal in the most abundant Seasons. I bave the honor to be Sir Your Most Obedient Servant
(Sig!) A. Kyd Port Cornwallis
l i te Superintendant Andamang. 10th November 1794.
W Fort William the 1 of December 1784. The following Letters were received, on the 29th Ultimo, from Major Kyd, Superintendant at the Andamans, by the Snow Cornwallis, & Circulated for the perusal of the Members of Government.28
Superintendant at the Andamsze. 20th October 1794. W S To Edward Hay Esq Secretary to Government.
Sir, I have to request you will acquaint thé Honble. Governor General in Council, that in compliance with his instruetions of the 21 April last, & those conveyed in your letter of the 51 August; I have obtained every information in my power respecting the various points therein specified. 20 . . . . It is now my intention of proceeding to the Andamens where I shall not have occasion to stay long, & expect to bave the bonor of presenting my report in person early in Dee: 20 . .
have the honor to be Prince of Wales's Island
M 20th October 1794. Ordered that the Snow Cornwallis and Brig Nautilus be returned, as soon as possible, to the Andamans with the Supplies they are respectively to take to that Settlement.
The Commanders are to be acquainted accordingly; and notice thereof is to be sent to the Garrison Store Keeper, Fort Adjutant & Military Board - The Commanders ste, farther, to be asked how many Convicts can be accommodated on each of the Vessels, after receiving the Supplies they are both to carry.
1794. - No. XLI. Read Letter and its Enclosure from the Secretary to the Hospital Board.
Seory to the Hosp! Board 29th Nov 1794. To Colin Shakespear Esq* Sub-Secretary. "
Sir, I am directed by the Hospital Board to enclose to you the Copy of a List of Necessaries which they have received from My Rob! Reddiók Assistant Surgeon to the Andamans, which they request you will lay before the Governor General in Council, & to acquaint him that they beg leave to recommend that they may be authorized to direct the Purveyor to furnish the neeessaries required.
I hate the honor to be & M G ! Fort William Hosp! B! Office
in (Signed) A. Campbell Sect)
11 of the 20th Nov 1794. W
e ** [The Letter dated the 109 November has been already given under the consultation of the 281. Nors where it is headed sa 'Duplicate.')
=> [The portions omitted in the above Letter refer to Prince of Wales loland.