- NOVEMBER 1902.]
of 30 Convicts Ordered to the Andamans apd to intimate the recommendation of the Military Board that it may be passed transferring the charge to the Civil Department.
I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient humble Servant aco
(Signed) Ianao Humphreys . Military Boards Office
Secry, Military Board. ia9th December 1794.7
Agreed that the Bull above mentioned be passed and that Lieutenant Robinson Garrison Store Keeper be instructed to present it to the Civil Paymaster for Payment."
1705. No. II.
12th January 1795. Similar letter to the above.
1795. - No. III.
Fort Willaim, 19th January 1795. Read a letter from the Superintendant at the Andamans. To Edward Hay Esgre, Secretary to the Government.
A Sir Accompanying I do myself the pleasure of transmitting you the accounts of this Settlement brought up to the 1st of the ensuing Month. By the last Account Current sent, you would perceive that there was but a small balance of Cash in hand, I have however by receiving money from Individuals and by giving Notes on my own Agents in Calcutta for part of the pay of almost all the different Classes of people been able to discharge every expence of the Settlements to the 1st of December for which I have drawn Bills on Government according to the accompanying List. I must however now beg that yon will acquaint the Governor General in Council that a Supply of Fifteen or Twenty Thousand Rupees in Specie Will be necessary for the next three Months Expenditure, half in Gold and half in Silver, and have to request he will be pleased to direct its being sent by the first Opportunity,
The Dispatch Brig being completely repaired and equipped, I have given Command of her to Mr John Roberts first Officer of the Cornwallis Snow, Who has been employed in fitting her out. While at Prince of Wales's Island I engaged Mr E. Gardiner as an Officer for that Vessel with the Pay of a Second Officer 88 also the necessary Europeans, and I have fixt her Establishment upon as economical a plan as possible, her expences of every kind are paid up by me to the last of December, but from that period it probably will be more convenient for Mr Roberts to indent for Pay and Provisions on the Marine Pay Master in Bengal as is practised by the other Commanders of Vessels on the Establishment
A few anys ago I sent the Dispatch to Chittagong Conceiving that at this season of the Year, it is the rendiest and cheapest place from which we can draw Provisions and Stock, and I have written to the Collector of that District requesting he will sapply the grain that the Vesset can'toke: drawing on Government for the amount of its cost which I hope will be approved of
While I was at Prince of Wales's Island the Government of Bombay sent in one of the Company's Cruizers bound to Prince of Wales's Island; Alve European Convicts to be landed at the Andamans, but the Officer Commanding there would not receive them but very properly referred the Captain of the Cruizer to me. As it struck me that it never was the intention of the Governor General in Council to send European Convicta to the Andamans, and as there appeared to me many cogent Reasons against the Mensure, I thoaght it best to request the Commander of the Cruizer to take them back to Bombay, and now enclose a Copy of the letter I wrote to the Secretary of Government at Bombay on that Subject. Toti biex I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most Obedient Humble Servant Jagant se
(Signed) A. Kyd Supt. Andamans. Bort Cornwallis e t
to ! TAT! 20th Novr. 1794.
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