[NOVEMBER, 1902.
whole of the Supplies required, in consequence of which the following Articles remain to be dispatched, in part of the last Indents vizt
.... Mds. 650 Dholl ...
400 Ghee ...
61 Salt ...
8. Paddy ...
80 Wheat
20 The above Articles may be estimated at a Tonnage equal to about 700 Bags.
There are also about 100 Convicts in the Jail of the 24 Purgunnahs, under Sentence of Transportation.
A Tender has been made by Captain Copestakes of the Snow Druid (formerly freighted for a similar Purpose) who will engage to carry down 100 Convicts with their Provisions and Water for 15 Days, and 1000 Bags of Grain for the supply of the Settlement for the Sum of 8 R$ 8000, which is the same as was formerly paid him, I propose therefore that bis Offer, should be accepted, and that the following Orders should be issued in consequence.
1st To the Secretary to prepare for the Embarkation of 100 Convicts on the Draid, as soon as the Vessel may be ready to receive them.
2. To the Garrison Store Keeper to provide and Ship Provisions and Water for the Subsistence of 100 Convicts on their Passage Allowing at this Season 18 Days for their Pássage down. ***** 3. To the Garrison Store Keeper, to provide and Ship Provisions and Water for the Subsistence of 100 Convicts on their Passage, Allowing at this season 15 Days for their Passage down.
3. To the Garrison Store Keeper to Ship the Provisions due on the Indents already Passed, and to fill up the Vacant Tonnage with Rice, Dholl & Paddy equal to the 1000 Bags which the Vessel is engaged to Carry, as a further Supply for the use of the Settlement, and of the Additional Convicts to be sent there.
(J. Shore. .
(Signed) P. Speke.
(wm Cowper. 1794.-Ko. XLVI. Fort William the 19th Decomber 1704. Read a Letter from Captain Copestakes. Edward Hay Esq. Secretary to Government.
B .
30.00 Sir,- The Druid will be ready to receive the Convicts on Board, as soon as the Grain and their Water' is on Board, but a Yet I have not seen any, but expect it to day Vietpart.
I am & OVOM 19th December 1794.
Stephen Copestakes. 1705. NOT Fort William, 2nd January 1795.
Secretary to the Military Board. To Edward Hay Esqre Secretary to the Government.
Sir, I have the honor to enclose for the approval of Government Bill No. 178 for Provisions sent by the Garrison Store Keeper on board the Cornwallis Snow, for Subsistence