Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 490
________________ 476 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [NOVEMBER, 1902. Various other tribes have similar septs with Pháphil Raja R&m in Jhólamoure boils on these curative powers. The Shêkhs of Gandi children's heads gratis, by first filling the mouth Umr Khan in Tabell Kuldebt cure ulcers by with salt and then spitting on the sore, and the reciting a charm and touching the part. The head of the Paswal Gojars at Jakkar in that Mahar Jate in Bahawalpar can cure sore throats District cures a skin disease which causes by rubbing salt with the ashes of cow dung on baldness by pulling out a single hair. He the patient's neck. The cure is instantaneous, practises on one Sunday in the month and must and the belief said to be general in the Panjab. not accept any fee, because that condition was "The Ganglis of Khan Bell have a similar power. made by the fagfr who conferred the power some A Hindu Arüså of the Chugh gôt can cure chuk generations ago. Thus, too, the Khatris of the or pain in the loins by pushing the sufferer Asrf section at Sankhatra in Sialkot can cure from behind. If a Chugh is not on band, it is snake bite by reciting charms and touching the sufficient to go to his house and rub one's back person bitten with drek leaves. Among the Játs against the wall. Chugh may be derived from the Saléria of Sidhwan in Tahsil Zafurwal can chuk, because the tribe has this power, but per- cure ulcers by administering pepper charmed by haps the idea is simply that a Chugh bas power them on a Sunday or Tuesday. Sadha Ram Das over chuk. Imitative magic finds scope in the conferred this power on them. In Patiala the following rite: If your field be suffering from BAt Khatris of Bhiwanigash cure enlarged múla or blight, call in a man named Male Mal or glands by touching them with a pen dipped in MOA Râm and drive him from the field, beating ink. And the males of the Sungal got of the him with shoes a tergo. Then as MolA runs away, Banias of the same truct can curo sores by touchwith lamentations, so, too, will the blight depart. ing them with salt. Among the Sônkbla Rajputs The Dus section of the Aropas have also an of Una Tahkil the descendants of one Sanga have inherited power of curing a sprain in the back wer of curing a sprain in the back the power of curing small-pox by inoculation. or loins by touching the part affected. The pain The power was conferred by a faqtr. The Nagidcalled chuk may also be cured by this section DA or NangiAnA (the play on the words någ, anake, which uses the following charm :-Dud afth bark, land nangd, naked, causes constant confusion in phalon bhdyt dari, bhanne chat (wajet) karendi i beliefs) of Shabpur are also believed to be able drf.' The charm is read over a cloth and this is to cause injury. The popular derivation is from then applied thrice to the part, a push being nág, because they have that power. The Ghiraths finally given to it to expel the pain. The power have & section, called Rihkra, which has herediwas conferred on Seth Hari, the ancestor of the tary power to inflict evil. section, by faqirs. It is also said to be essential The above instances of bereditary supernatural that the patient should go straight home without or supernormal powers have been collected in the looking back. The power is exercised gratis Panjab. It would be of interat to know if similar But there powers, though most common in the septs or clans exist in other parts of India, and south-west of the Panjab, are by no means con- what explanations are given of the transmission fined to that area. For instance, the Patháls of of the power from father to son. NOTES AND QUERIES. CHEE-CHEE. half-caste. But is it after all use of those words HERE is a quotation of some importance for belonging equally to the East and West Indies ! the etymology of this word, from The Times If so, & new etymology will have to be sought Weekly Edition of May 16, 1902, Supplement, for it. p. iii, in an article entitled Personal Reminiscences R. O. TENPLE. of St. Pierre (Martinique) - "Here the Ches-chee, or patois, was nigger- CORRUPTIONS OF ENGLISH. French,' indeed the most common of the two HINGAIN-ANGLE-IRON. patois throughout the Leeward and Windward ANTE, Vol. Xxx, p. 320, I quoted an instance Islands, and still the language of the back popu- where the English term anglo-Iron had become lation in St. Lucia and in Dominica." hangling in the mouths of Indian builders. But Now Choochoo is, according to all authori- I have since heard hingain, which has a very Hindi ties, an East Indian word, denoting the language look about it, and is far away from the orixinal. first, and then the personality of the East-Indian R. C. TEMPLE IA child born feet foremost can cure pain in the loine by kicking the part affected. Was the progenitor of the Dul Arůris so born? In Hisade this section of the Arols may not wear blae langha (trouser).


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