NOVEMBER, 1902.)
leave to request that he may be desired in future to insert the Peons Names, and to remark the dates of all casualties as in the Review Rolls of the regular Corps of the Army. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Honble Sir,
Your most Obedient faithful Servant Mily Audi Genl. Office
(Signed) John Murray 19 Sept: 1794.
Col. & Mil Aud: Gen! Ordered that Instructions be sent to Major Kyd in Conformity with the Recommendation in the above Letter from the Military Auditor General.
1794. - No. XXXIII. Read a Letter from the Secretary to the Military Board.
Secry to the Mily Board 6th Sept: 1794. To Edward Hay Esq: Secretary to the Government.
Sir, - Herewith I have the honor to transmit for the Sanction of Government Bill No. 59 and 60 Recommended hy the Mily Board for Provisions Supplied by the Garrison Store keeper for the 2290 of the Settlement at Port Cornwallis, and of 7 recruits proceeding to that Settlement.
I have the honor to be &c. Agreed that Authority be given for passing the Bills abovementioned, and ordered that they be returned to the Military Board,
1794. - No. XXXIV. Fort William the 29th of Soptomber 1794. The following Letter was received frn Major Kyd on the 26th Instant, by the William Pitt.
Sup at the Andamans 15th August 1794. To Edward Hay Esq! Secretary to Government.
Sir, - Accompanying I have the honor of transmitting you the Account Current of this Settlement, brought up to the present date, with the various vouchers referred to therein. You will perceive that every Establishment is paid up to the first of next Month, which I have thought advisable to do before my departure to Prince of Wales's Island, in hopes that they will not require another payment till my return. Accompanying is a List of Bills I have drawn on Government for Cash received into the Treasury here, which is carried to the Public Credit in the Acconnt now sent.
I have the honor to be &c Port Cornwallis
(Signed) A. Kyd. 15th August 1794.
Sup! Andamans. Ordered that Major Kyd's Account Current with its Vouchers, be sent for Audit to the Military Auditor General, who is also to be furnished with a Copy of his Letter enclosing them.
Ordered that the List of Bills drawn by Major Kyd, on the Governor General in Council be sent to the Accountant General's Office.
1704,- No. xxxv. Fort William 30 November 1794. The following Sailing Ordere Dated the 1 Inst. bave been given to Captain Morgotty Commanding the Drake Cruiser.
To Capt. Morgotty, Dated 19 October 1794. To Captain Morgotty Commanding the Honble Companys Cruizer Drake.
Sir, - You are hereby directed winds and weather permitting, and the Convicts for the Apdamaps being on board, to weigh your Anchor, and make the best of your way to Port