Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 442
________________ 134 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1902. Petition. As people are in great trouble or distress on The most humble petition of ex-convict account of this wretched man in the village ; No. 15037 Munda of Protheroepore Village. Most therefore, petitioner respectfully prays that, after respectfully Sheweth-That your poor petitioner, recording the separate statement of the following in behalf of the following villagers of Protheroe- villagers, your honor will do justice in the case by pore, respectfully begs to state that petitioner and removing him from the Settlement, for his being other villagers are in great trouble by the mis- a mischievous great magician and dishonest and chieves and misbehaviors of one Lachhmana, who troublesome man, as they cannot bear to live is well known as a native medicine-supplier to further with him. And for which act of kindness the people and a magician. and charity petitioner shall as in duty bound ever That his usual babit is to say publicly that if рғау. His x Mark. some presents are not made to him he will make them suffer a great loss (by sickness) by mantar Signature of petitioner. [incantations) and bhata [spirits), and people | Dated 7th March, 1909. thus being afraid, give him whatever he wants :for instance he [the petitioner) gives below a Statements of Villagers. few examples showing how he (Lachhmana) Babů 41, on Solemn Affirmation, states that compels people and forcibly derive money from accused since his release defies everyone and them : states he can do anything he pleases; he performs (i) If any man's cow calf he (Lachhmana) prijs and dries up the milk of cows belonging will go to him and tell him to give him to those villagers against whom he has a grudge. the milk of the newly-calved cows, Ráma, No. 17922 ex-convict, -on Solemn Affirm. otherwise he will doprive the cows of ation, states that all he knows about the accused the milk by his mantara, etc. with reference to the charge is, that he blows a (ii) That he openly tells to the women, conch (sankh bajata hai) at nightfall. seeing their infants somewhat uneasy, Dia. No 18919 a commit-on Solemn "That your children have been trou. Affirmation, states, his wife spoke to accused about bled by evil ghosts, shaitáns [devils] doing puja and asked him to stop doing so. and bhats, and if he [i, e., you) will Accused thereupon got angry with his wife give me money (for sacrificing hen and made her ill for a month. When she got or goat and presenting paja (cere a little better, accused told her that it was he that money of worship) for evil ghosts, etc.) had caused the illness. She is not quite well yet. I will soon relieve them of all the troubles, else they will die", and these Dhannst, No. 13235 ex-convict,-on Solemn ignorant women, believing his state- Affirmation, states, accused since his release has ment, soon give him what he wants. been a regular plague to the village. He has That most of good milch cuw have stopped the cows from giving milk, and does been died and still fell sick by his nothing, but abuses everyone. All are afraid of (Lachhmana's) wickedness. him. That since one Haji Karim of Garachorama, Sabu Singh, No. 18863 ex-convict-on Solemn whose fame had obtained a wide spread in the Affirmation, states, everyone is afraid of accused; Settlement and who was noted as a great magi- he makes the cows of the village ill and cian and poison supplier, has been punished, turns their milk into blood and dries them no one came forward to gain the same fame but up. He gets intoxicated on tar [toddy), and the above named Lachhmana. abuses every one; he performs půjd, and if reThat he being a low caste man and shows him fnsed a glass of milk when asked for, he threatens self a big pandit or Brahman by using sankh | to harm the cows of those who refuse. He is a noise both in morning and evening, and women plague to all villagers. and rude people being frightened by his threaten- Padna, No. 18633 ex-convict, -on Solemn ing deeds, that he will make all slaitáns and evil Affirmation, states, accused quarrelled with him ghosts to attack on them, who are in his (Lachh- and threatened to burn him up, and blow him mana's) possessions by means of mantars, magic, away from the earth. He is therefore very eto., use to give him whatever he demands. frightened. Accused always performs půjd. Blowing a conch. ? A looal settler, who has never been a convict.


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