MARCH, 1902.)
Sunday 8. Light Breezes and Pleasent Wear. 3 Men went a Fishing And Caught a Stingrey, 8 Sharks & 2 Dozon of Other Fish.
Monday 9th. A Fresh Gale Easterly and Fair Wear. Carpenter at Work Upon the Stern.
Tuesday 10th The First and Middle Parts Wind Westerly with Cloudy Wear & Rain, Latter Variable. Carpenter Employd Making the main Boom, People Bringing Over Iron, & Buming the Remainder of the Wreck. Got 100 Pengwins Eggs from Egg Island.
Wednesday 11th, Moderate Breezes Westerly with Cloudy Wear & Rain. Carpenter Making the Mast. Saved 2 Butts & a Hgsbead of Water.
Thursday 12th, Wind and Weat as pr day past. Carpenter Finish the Mast and Made a Bowespritt & Crossjack Yard.
Friday 19. Wind & Wear as Before. Carpenter Making a Gaffe, People Employed (about] at Sundry Jobbs.
Saturday 14. A Moderate Gale Easterly. Carpenter Finished the Gaffe and Pay'd the Larboard Side of the Bont with Pitch. 3 Men went a Fishing, And (afterwards] to Egg Island, Gott 10 Fish and 80 Pengwins Eggs.
Sunday 15. Light Variable Breezes and fair Wear. Carpenter Paya The Starboard Side. [We] and Got Ready for Launching to Morrow Morning. 3 Men went out a fishing & Caught 3 dozon.
Monday 16. The first part a Light Breeze & fair West Latter a Fresh Gale. At 4 AM Began to Lay the ways for Launching, and at 1 o Clock Got the Boat in the Water and gave her the Name of The Happy Deliverance. Got The Mast in and some of the Iron for Ballast and all Our Water.
Tuesday 17. Moderate Breazes Westerly, People Employed getting their things into the Boat. At High Water, Hauld out. When we came to the Mouth of the Channel the Grapnail Came home, and She drove Upon the Rocks, which had like to have Domolishe'd her, but Thanks to the Almighty we got off Again. Soon After Ran Over to the Barr and Came to an Anchor, to gett the Remainder of Our things on Board ; and then Weighd and Stood to Sea, having on Board 2 Butts & 4 Hogsheads of Water, 8 Weeks Salt pork, & 6 lb of Bread p man, and 2 Live Hoger
See for this Mark
in the Paper of References.52
To be continued.)
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