JUNE, 1002.7
As there are some very necessary Artificers and Tradesmen, that must be sent by the Cronwallis to supply the place of those that have died or have been obliged to leave the place, on account of Sickness, that Vessel will only be able to convey the European Artillery men and Lascars, and the Sepoy Detachment which will take some time to form will be in readiness to go by other opportunities.
As I understand that it is the intention of the Board to send Two Hundred of the Male Conviots to Port Cornwallis this Season, I take the liberty of suggesting the propriety of having them immediately sent from the different Jails, to Calcutta that they may be in readiness to embark on favorable opportunities offering; and I also beg leave to point out that this is the most probable time to obtain Vessels on easy terms of freight to convey those people with a sufficient stock of Provisions for them to the Andamans, as the touching at Port Cornwallis will not interfere much with the Voyages generally undertaken at this time to Pegu and to the Malay Coast, Already two small Vessels have been tendered to me, and I have no doubt that I shall have many other Officers, If the Board therefore think it expedient to adopt this mode of conveying these people to the Andamans, I beg they will be pleased to direct that proposals for freight may be made, or if they think good, I will endeavour to make the most advantageous agreement with the Owners, who have made proposals to me, first acquainting the Board of the terms for their consideration.
As it would not be safe to send many Men of such desperate Characters in an unarmed Country Ship, part of the Sepoy Detachment may be sent on each Vessel as a Guard. Calcutta
I have the honor to be &ca. 30th November 1793.
(Signed) A. Kyd Superintendant Andamans. The Governor General in Council refers to the Proceedings of the 29th July, where a letter dated the 25th of that Month, from the Superintendant at the Andamans, and the following resolutions then passed upon it are recorded.
"Agreed that the Detachment of Sepoys at Port Cornwallis be increased to the strength of "two Companies, to be made up of Volunteers from the Battalions at Barrackpore."
"That a small detachment of European Artillery, consisting of 1 Serjeant, 1 Corporal, 2 Gunners, "and ten Matrosses be held in readiness to proceed to Port Cornwallis, &c."
"That a Detachment of 1 Serang, 1 Tindal, and 40 experienced Gunlagcars be drafted from the " Artillery Lascars at the Presidency for the same purpose."
Agreed that the Commander in Chief be requested to issue Orders for forming the detchment mentioned in the first of these resolutions, and to appoint another Subaltern Officer to the Sepoy detachment at the Andamans.
Agreed, that th, Commander in Chief be further, requested to give Directions that the proportions of European Artillery and Gun Lascars, to be sent to Port Cornwallis, may be Ordered, and in readiness to embark on the Cornwallis Snow.
Agreed in Pursuance of the intention that a Number of Convicts should go to the Andamans that Orders be issued from the Nizamut Adawlet for sending to Calcutta from the nearest Gaols, two hundred of the Persons in readiness to embark, and that Major Kyd be desired to receive proposals from the Owners of Country Vessels for conveying the Convicts to the Andamans, with Six Months provisions, laying before the Board the Proposals that may be made to him for their consideration,
1793. - No. LII. Read a Letter from the Assistant to the Commissary of Stores. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to the Government.
Sir,- Inclosed I have the honor to send you the Invoice and two Bills of Lading of the Stores sent on the Cornwallis for the Andaman Island. A Copy also has been sent to the Military Board.
I am &ca. Fort William
(Signed) Those. Auburey Asst. Comry. Stores. 6th Dec, 1798.