October, 1902.)
imployer can convey us, I conceive that the Services, of the Daphne may be dispensed with I have therefore dispatched that Vessel to Calcutta, as Speedily as her Foremast could be replaced which had been Shattered by Lightning on the passage dow); in order that Sho may be discharged if the Board think fit. On her I have sent Passengers, a few Artificers and Laborers, who the Surgiou have thought it proper to recommend being Sent to Bengal.
I am very happy in having it in my power to acquaint the Board, that altho intermitting Fevers are yet frequent amongst all the Classes of people, that the Settlement is generally speaking much more healthy than it was last Seasou, which I imagine is principally owing to the people being better accommodated and the Space they Occary being some what extended and cleared of felled timber and decayed Vegetables, which gives hopes, that in proportion as we cicar away the Situation will become more healthy.
I beg you will be pleased to inform the board that I have been honored with their letter of the 21st April and that the instructions there in contained shall be paid the utmost attention to.
I have thu húnor to be Sir, Your most Obedient Humble Servant, Port Cornwallis
(Signed) A. Kyd 15th June 1794.
Superintendant Andamang. P. S. Accompanying I send a Copy of the letters that have passed respecting the small Vessel that brought the Packet from Boncoolon to this place.27
1794. - NO, XXI. Fort William 4th July 1994.
Superintendant at the Andamans 15th June 1794. Colin Shakespear Esq! Snb Secretary.
Sir, I have been honored with your letter of the 14th April 1st, Conveying the directions of the Governor General in Council, that the Accounts of this Settlement from the beginning of May of this year are to be kept in Sicca Rupees, which shall be duly attended to.
I have the Honor to bo Sir, Your most Obedient Humble Servant Port Cornwallis
(Signed) A. Kyd 15th Juce 1794.
Sup! Andamans. 1794. - No. XXII. Fort William 7th July 1794.
Mr. Shaw. Read a Letter from Mr Shaw. To Sir John Shore Bart. Governor General in Council.
Honble Sir. - The Snow Daphne, Mathew Smith Commander, and owner, in the employ of the Honble Company to carry Stores &c to the Andamans I am sorry to inform your Honble Board was wrecked near Ganjam, on the night of the 24th Ultimo on her return to this Port.
As the Constituted Attorney of Captain Smith I have received from the Marine paymaster, the freight of the Vessel, up to the first day of June, but on application for payment for the Month of June, the Marine paymaster informs me I must Obtain an order from your Honble Board to enable him to discharge the freight due.
From this Unfortunate Accident Captain Smith has been deprived of the little property, he is possessed [of], the Block of his Vessel, not being fully insured, he is a man of good Character and I believe has given perfect satisfaction in the employ, to Major Kyd.
37 These letters are very long and have no direct bouring on the Audamans, they are therefore omitted