Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 432
________________ 424 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1902. If your Hon ble Board should bave occasion to continue another Vessel, in the same employ, I humbly hope yon will consider his Misfortune, and give him a preference as his Friends will in that case, procure him a Vessel. I trust your Honble Board will be pleased to order payment of the freight for the Daphne for the Month of June. . I am, Honble Sir, Your Most Obedient humble Servant Calcutta (Sig!) J. Shaw the 4th July 1794. Attorney to Mathew Smith. Agreed that an Order be issued to the Acting Marine Paymaster to pay the Amount Freight due to Captain Smith the owner of [the] Daphne for the Month of June. 1794. - No. XXIII. Fort William 14th July 1794. Letter from the Military Auditor General with an enclosure from Ensign Stokoo, with regard to that Officer's pay as Superintendant of Public Works at Port Cornwallis. The Board "agree to pass Lieut, Stokoe's Bills for So Rs. 1094.") 1794. - No. XXIV. Fort William 14th July 1794. Milty Aud? Genl. The Honble Sir John Shore Bart. Governor General &o &o &o in Council Military Dept. Honble Sir, - I received a few days ago from the Military Paymaster General Copy of a Statement which at his request had been furnished to him, by the Accountant General of Disbursements made on Account of the New Settlement at the Andamans, wherein is included all advances of Cash to Major Kyd, up to the 1st of the present Month, amounting to Current [Rs.] 198,664, 7., 8. In the Accountant Generals Letter to the Paymaster General respecting the abovementioned Statement he says "you will perceive the impracticability of ascertaining what Sums appertain to " the Military Department and what to the General Department and the consequent impossibility of my debiting you for the Former." As the advances have been made either upon order on the General Treasury, or by Single Bills of Exchange drawn by the Superintendant or his Assistant, the Vouchers could not be transmitted to you, even under a supposition of the other difficulty being romoved, with depriving those officers of them, to whom they are indispensible. Owing to the difficulty mentioned in the preceeding quotation the amount which ought to be carried to the debit of Major Kyd, on account of the Military Department, cannot now be ascertained, and several of his accounts having recently been passed, a balance is exhibited, to his Credit, on the Military Books, to a considerable amount which I apprebend can only now be adjusted by the Accountant General, on the General Books, by Crediting Major Kyd, for the amount passed to the debit of Military Charges on account of the Audamans in 1798/4, and debiting the Military Department for an equal amonnt, leaving the Balance on the General Books to be adjusted in the Department, to which it belongs. But as it is of essential importance, in order to preserve perspicuity and accuracy, that the accounts instead of being blended, in the manner mentioned by the Accountant General should be kept separate and distinct in Departments, I beg leave to recommend that thu Superintendant at the Andamans be directed to take up distinct advances, whether by Bills or Receipts on account of the Military Departraent, the amont of which shall remain at his persoal Debit untill written off by Military Charges, duly audited; and that instroctions, be sent to this effect, by the earliest opportunity. I have the honor to be with great respect, Hon'ble Sir, Your most faithful and Obedient humble Servant Military Aud! Genl Office, (Sigd) John Morris, 80:April 1749. My A: General


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