387 = against Expences which have the appearance of a double Charge upon the public, may operate as an exception to it. But I hambly presume to think with all respectfull deference, that when Contingencies arise out of Circumst ances unforeseen or unprovided for, the Assent of Government to their admission, will not be withheld, though there be no existing Regulations exactly applicable to the Oase, if it be founded upon grounds of equitable Justice. Should these Sentiments meet the concurrence of your judgement, I hope you will do me the favor to forward the application to the Honble the Governor Genl. in Council, supported with such observations from yourself as you may think it deserves. I have the Honor to be with much Respect and Regard, Sir,
Your most Obedt & faithful humble Servant Port Cornwallis
(Signed) Edmund Wells March 19th 1794.
Enclosure II. Major Alexander Kyd, Superintendant Andamans.
Sir, I have with great Concern observed the Sickly State of the Detachment of Artillery, since their Arrival at Port Cornwallis ; at a time when the other Europeans on Shore, as well as those on board the Vessels in the Harbour are enjoying uninterrupted good Health. The Sickness has been general, but particularly severe on Several who had been Ill in Bengal, and were landed rather in a debilitated State,
. I beg leave strinuously to recommend a Sea Voyage for those who have suffered most, being firmly persuaded, they will not be able to acquire a sufficient Stock of Health, before the Betting in of the Rains, to insure them against the agues that must be expected during the South West Mongoon, untill the Woods can be cleared away that are close to the Settlement. I am with great Respect Sir, Your most Obed: humble Serv!
(Signed) David Wood
Acts in a Med! Capacity.
(To be continued.)
(Continued from p. 359.) Cobre Capel ; ann. 1672 : o. v. Cobra de Capelle, Coceas; ann. 1598 : 8. v. Coco, 176, ii. 173, i.
Cocelbaxas; ann. 1606: S. v. Kuzzilbash, 880, i. Coca; 8. v. Coco, 175, ii, 8. v. Coprah, 196, Cocen; ann. 1503: 8. v. Cochin, 173, i. i ; ann. 1519 : s. v. Coco, 176, i.
Coche; ann. 1519: 8. v. Coco, 176, i; ann. 1587: Cocatores ; ann. 1775: 8. v. Cockatoo, 175, i. 8. o. Deling, 235, i. Cocci; 8. v. Cochin, 173, i.
Cochiin ; ann. 1598 : 8.0. Angely-wood, 758, i. Coccincina; ann. 1606: . . Cochin-China, Cochim ; 8. o. Cochin, 173, ii; ann. 1516 : a. v. 174, i.
Sambook, 595, ii; ann. 1570: 8. v. SappanCoccus ; ann. 1568: 8. D. Mace (a), 404, i. wood, 600, i; ann. 1572: 8. o. Quilon, 570, ii, Coccus ilicis; 8. v. Lac, 880, ii.
twice; ann. 1634 : . o. Nambeadarim, 471, Coccus Lacca; 6. v. Lac, 380, ii.
ii; ann. 1644 : &. . Hoogly, 322, i, twice; Coccyx; ann. 1681 : . v. Gecko, 280, i.
8. v. Tuticorin, 721, i.