Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 317
________________ JULY, 1902.7 TRE ANDAMANS IN THE XVIIITX CENTURY. 818 Use of the Settlement at the Andamans; and as Mr. Copestake's Vessel will take a Considerable large[1] quantity than what is necessary for the Convicts, I will prepare the usual indents on the Garrison Store keeper, who may be directed to take the Grain from Mr. Perreau. I beg you will Acquaint the Governor General in Council that I have taken Measures to find a proper Vessel to be hired as a Transport and inclose a letter from Mr. Smith who offers the Snow Daphne which Vessel I have examined and think her every way fit for the Service, the terms I also conceive to be very reasonable at this time, as the vessel is larger and in every respect better for the purpose than the Union which was formerly employed and the freight which was fixed by some of the principal Merchants in Calcutta, is exactly the same. If the Board will therefore be pleased to accept of Mr. Smith's proposal I request that the necessary orders may be issued for Surveying the Vesel, and making the Agreenient with the owner, which I imagine Should be done by the Marine Pay Master to commence from the 1st of January next when the Vessel will be wanted, As I am now considerably in advance for the expences of the Settlement at Port Cornwallis, I request that the Board will be pleased to Order me an Advance of Ten Thousand Sioea Rupees on Account, from which Sum I will pay Mr. Copestake his freight, and if the Board think it right I will keep a Seperate Account, of all expences incurred for the Convicts, as well as Seperate Indenta on the Garrison Store keeper for Provisions to be supplied for their use. I have the honor to be Bir Your most obedt. bumble Servt, Calcutta . (Signed) A. Kyd Superintendt. Andamans. 13th December 1793. Enclosure. Major A. Kyd. Sir, -Having now made every necessary Enquiry concerning the Insurance &ca. I beg leave to make an Offer of the Snow Daphne to the Honble Company for the term of either 4 or 6 Months, to be employed during that time in any manner they think proper. She at present has 4 Carriages ? Guns 8 and 2 Pounders and 20 Mosquets and Bayonets and will be manned with 40 Men (Officers and Servants included) She is a good Sailer Coppered, not quite 9 years old and now in good Order and ready for Sex will carry 2500 Bags of Rice having worked down in the S. W. Monsoon with 2450 on board and made a quick package. She is able to mount 12 Carriage Guns if necessary. In the Situation above mentioned I beg leave to make a Tender of her to the Honble Company for Sicca Rupees Two thousand, five Hundred pr. Month and will take all Risks on myself (the War Risk excepted), and in case she should happen to be taken by any Power at War with Great Britain I propose to Value ber at Sicca Rupees Eighteen Thousand. I hope the above terms will not be found unreasonable, and if they should be approved of I trast I shall give every Satisfaction to my Employors. Calcutta I am &ca. 18th December 1793. (Signed) Matthew Smith. Ordered Upon the subject of the 1st Paragraph of the Letter, dated the 15th Instant from Major Kyd that the Garrison Store keeper be informed that there are in charge] of Mr. Perreau Agent for Fort Marlbro'; 425 Bags of Rice and 290 Bags of Wheat, that were intended for that Settlement, but were returned from the Pigot, which was to have carried them, and that, if any of this Grain should be found to be of a description and Quality that will answer, generally, for the Andamans, or for the Convicts going thither, Mr. Perreau will deliver up the same to the Order of the Garrison Storekeeper, to Assist in enabling him to comply with Major Kyd's Indents. Ordered that Directions be sent Accordingly to Mr. Porreau.


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