3. The Major informed me that it was in M: Secretary Hay's Power to obviate all Objections by furnishing the Authorities which sanctioned the Charges Alluded to, and that he would accordingly do this, but I now find that Major Kyd without further communication to this Office wrote to the Board on the Subject of them, and this produced a decision on the Charges before the Report on the reference to this Office could be sent ap.
4. The 7th Act. in the Account Current are Charges made by the Commissary of Provisions and stores which Major Kyd informed the Board, in his Letter to My Secretary Hay he had "no doubt was according to the Forms laid by the Regulations."
5. There was not any Question that I know of, put, relative to mere form; the Objection was more Substantial that the Personal Allowance of Se Rs. 250 per Month drawn by the Commissary of Stores was not authorized by any Order of Government received in this Office. It has however been now passed for the Sum drawn in consequence of the Boards decision of the 21t Ultimo but it is necessary that I should be informed whether or not it is the Intention of Government to consider this Allowance permanent, in order that if it is I may be able to insert it in the fixed Establishments of Military Charges. It is my duty at the same time to Notice that the Staff Allowance to a Commissary at Prince of Wales Island was 50 Rupees per Month, 'till it was recently raised to 62 Rupees per Month with 70 Rupees for Writers Stationary &c.
6. Full Batta is drawn for the whole Detachment from the 1st February tho' they did not embark 80 soon. It has however been passed According to the Boards Order.
7. The Artificers drawn by the Superintendant, upon the whole, fall short of the Establishment fized by Government in their Resolutions of the 18th of Febry 1793, but the description of People charged for do not correspond with those laid down by the Board.
8. The whole of the Charges in Major Kyds Account Current have been passed agreeably to the decisions of the Board, but as no Voucher was ever produced for the S! R: 6270 ,, 4,, 4 paid to Captain Blair, nor for the Sum of 8! Rs. 52. 4 said to have been paid for Commission, I have in consequence of the Boards decision admitted these Sams on the face of the Account Current itself for want of other Vouchers for these Items. Acoounts Current however are only regular as Statements between the Pay Office General and the Parties to whom Advances are made - but as the circumstance of not producing proper Vouchers if countenanced would introduce a relaxation in Money transactions that might be detrimental to the Publio. I cannot allow, as Major Kyd seems to think, that it would be proper generally to dispence with Vouchers on the declaration of any Man however satisfied I might be of his Integrity, as indeed I am of the Majors most perfectly. I have the honor to be, With the greatest Respect, Honble Sir,
Your Most Obedt & faithful Servt Mily Aud: Genl. Office
(Signed) John Murray 15th March 1794.
Colonel & M! Aud. Gen!. Copy of Memorandum sent to Major Kyd 29 August 1798 requesting him to Annex such explanation as he pleased to each Article.
The Charge of a Salary of 250 Sicca Rupees per Month, for Lieut! Wells as Commissary of Stores and Provisions, has not been Authorized by any Information received in this Office.
The Charge for Cash paid to Captain A. Blair Amounting to g! R6,270.4.4, cannot be admitted in the Military part of the Disbursements, the Voncher for this Charge, did not Accompany the Accounts.