The Contingent Bills for Sicca Rupees 3455.5.1 Ought to be laid before the Board agreeable to the Order on that Subject, dated the 18th of February last, but as these Orders expressed, that the Bills for Contingent Charges should be Accompanied by Vouchers, and the fullest explanation for the necessity of incurring them, it is recommended to Major Kyd to write such a Letter as he thinks proper, on the Subject to the Auditor Gen', to be sent up to Government with the Bill.
There is a Charge for an Advance of 4 Months Allowances to European and Native Artificers, said to commence the 1st of February 1793, which should have been drawn in the form of an Abstract, detailing the Number and discriptions of People, to whom four Months Pay was Advanced, and a list of their Names.
This last paper cannot, perhaps be now conveniently obtained, if not, the charge will be passed, but in that case, nothing can be allowed for the same number of People, till the Month of June; whereas, if the Accounts are understood, some of these men are again drawn for from the 16th of March, up to 31st of May inclusive.
Certificates should have been produced of the last Pay received by the men drafted from any of the Corps in Bengal.
Mility Aud! Genl: Office
234 August 1793
A true Copy.
(Signed) F. Corfield
Assist to the Mility Aud! Gen!
Ordered upon the Subjects of the 5th and 8th Paragraphs of the Military Auditor General's Letter, dated the 15th Ultimo, that he be informed that a Resolution was passed for fixing the personal Allowances of the Commissary of Stores at the Andaman Islands at Sicca Rupees 250 per Mensem, and that the Sum of Sicca Rupees 6270.4.4 paid to Captain Blair, was passed as having been admitted upon Credit for the same having been given by Captain Blair in his Accounts that are lodged in the Office of the Acting Marine Paymaster.
1794. No. VIII.
Fort William 7th April 1794. Read a Letter and its Enclosure from the first Assistant to the Secretary of the Military Board.
First Assistant to the Secretary of the Military Board dated 24 April 1794.
To Edward Hay Esq: Secretary to the Government.
Mil! Ba Office the 24 April 1794.
Sir,- Enclosed I have the honor to transmit Copy of Indent No. 1126 which has been this Day passed by the Military Board in Circulation for a Supply of Articles required at the Andamans which you are requested to lay before the Governor General in Council intimating the Wish of the Board to be informed whether the Stores shall be sent and by what Conveyance.
I have the honor to be &c
(Signed) A. Green
1st Ap! My Ba