[JULY, 1902.
2. yyuma phoronla rdzuste
2. If she, taking the shape of a turquoise dove, dgung stod mthonpola shorna
Should go to flee into the big best zenith, khra skya dkarpola rdzuste
I, taking the shape of a white falcon, yyuma phoronla 'adedpa chen lei.
Will go to follow after her. nyamo yser migla rdzuste
8. If she, taking the shape of the fish goldeye, mthao stod mthonpola 'agyingba chans
Should go to float in the deepest ocean, . chu sram kamala rdzuste
I, taking the shape of a whitebreasted otter, nyamoyser miggi sna skyills chon lei.
Will go to take her home again. nyamo yser migla rdzuste
4. It she, taking the shape of the fish 'goldeye,' mthso rgyan mtho spola shorns
Should go to flee into the widest ocean, chu sram brang dkarla rdzuste
I, taking the shape of a whitebreasted otter, nyamoyser migla 'adedla chen lei.
Will go to follow after hur. Notos.
Notes. 1. phoron = phugron, dovo; ma tkeyil literally Kesar, after having taken the food and drink hinder the nose,' i, e., 'meet from the front of forgetfulness, had forgotten 'Brugums. Now, 8. Kama, said to mean the same as brang dhar, that the birds, coming from the South, brought white breasted. 4. rgyan urgya, wide. Lad. him a message from her, decides to win her again Grammar, Laws of Sound 5.
by all means; actually there was no need to use the transformations mentioned in the above song.
Song No. XXVII. - 'a Bruguma's Farewell to Kesar. Text.
Translation. me ma khrulli KeBar
0 Kesar, who never lettest the fire fall! 1. stangscanni rgyalpo nyerang
1. Oh, my clever King! steng nang lha yulla skyod zana
When thou wilt go to the upper land of the
gods, | 1ha yulli lhạmo kun mthongse
And sdest all the fairies of heaven, mi yulli jojo ning rjed ma rjed.
Then do not forget thy wife from the land
of men. stangecapni jo nyerang
Oh, my clever Lord! steng nang lha yalla skyod zana
When thon wilt go to the upper land of
the gods, Thamo năng sitarim Eun mthong90
And seest all the Bitarrams among the
fairies, mi yulli 'abruguma 'aphang ma 'aphang.
Then do not reject 'Bruguma from the
land of men. 3. stangscenni rgyalpo nyerang
Oh, my clever King !
When thou wilt go to the lower land of the yog nang kla yalla skyod zana
snakes, klu yulli klumo kun mthongse
And seest all the náginf of it,
Then do not forget thy wife from the land mi yalli jojo ning rjed ma rjed,
of men.
4. Oh, my clever Lord ! stang scanni jo nyorang
When thou wilt go to the lower land of the yog nang klu yalla sky od zada.
And seest all the näginf of it, kla yulli klamo kun mthongso
Then do not forget thy holpmate from the mi yulli grogs skal 'aphang ma 'aphang.
land of men.