(APRIL, 1902.
which he did. Then an Old Man, held up the Lap (Lappet] of the Garment which was a Bullocks Hide, expecting he would give him something, and having few Beads About his Neck, he gave Them to him. Then Another Held up his Garment in the Same Manner, And he Gave Him a small piece of Buntin Which was all he had, & they all Would be Glad to Accept, any Thing you would give them, but Never Offered To Take any thing by Force. Our Man Made Motions to them for Something to Eat, & they gave him Some Indian Corn.66 He then went to gett Some Wood to Make * Cattamaran to gett of [with] on which they Assisted him, but he could not gett her Thro: the Surl. They then Directed him to the Bay, Where he gott off & baving Told the people in the Boat how Civill they were to him and that we might gett Some Sheep & Wood if they would go A Shore again, they no Sooner Came on Board, but wanted to Return Which I did not Approve of (at that time),
There being a fine Breeze Westerly, but those on Board, as well as [those] them in the Boat, Were desirious of Staying an Hour or two, Saying, it I did not; [tbey] would not go on Shore Again. Therefore, Consented, and 3 of them went on Shore Again, And Return with Wood Enough to last us 3 or 4 Days Latt, Obsd 82°: 57' So.
Monday 8. Light Airs and Fair Weat. At 2 P M Made Sail [80] Close Along Shore, That we Could Talk with a Man: by Which Meana kept out of The Current, Except when we came off the Points Where it was so strong, that it was with Difficulty we got Round them. AM, Saw Severall of the Natives, and many Droves of Cattle, Which they seem to be very carefull off, for when we Came near any of them that was [were] Feeding by the Water Side, their keeper would drive them to the Country. At Sun Rise the Extreems [Extremes] of the Land from E B N to West Dist off Shore
of a Mile. At Noon the Extreems [Extremes) of the Land from E B N to WSW Dist of Mile. We are] to the Soward of Account 8 Miles Latt: Obsd 32° : 38' So.
Tuesday 9th. A Fresh Gale Westerly with Unnsettled Wes At Sun Rise the Extreems Extremes) of the Land from NEBE to W Dist. off Shore 2 Leagues. At Noon the Extreems [Extremes) of the Land from E N E to WS W Dista Mile Latt pr Ace 31°: 49' 89.
Wednesday 10th. The first part Light Airs and fair Wear Middle & Latter Calm. At 5 PM. the Wind Shifting to the Etward Anchord in 12 I'm water. The Extreems [Extremes] of the Land from E B N to WBS Dist of a Mile. As soon as we Anchord we heard Severall People Hallowing to us, and Shewd White Flagg. We Could not go on Shore to them, the Surf Ran so High. At 3 A M Found Our Cable had Swept a Rook, Which Took us from that Time till 11 before We Cleard it. Rana Little Farther out into Better Ground. Sent the Boat to Try if they Could Land, but could not Latte Obed 31°: 41' so.
Thursday Maroh Ith The First and Latter parts Strong Gales Wterly, and * large Sea Tumbling in On the shore, Which Made us Very Uneasy Knowing Our Selv's to be in Foul Geanind. Latter part Calm. In Shortning in The Oable, found it Foul of Rook Again, But it www. Clear! This Morning 4 Men went in the Boat to Try to Land but Could Not Latto Obes
1: 41' So.
Friday 13th. The First Part Do WenMiddle & latter little Wind. At Daylight The Wind Came to the Noward and we Weighs but did not gett above a Mile Before it fell Calm Came to Anchor Again. 4 Men Attempting Landing in this place but Could not. Cannot Catch suy Fish here; Which we feel the Effects of, for those that have no Bread Are Almost Starvd.
# 1 e. Moulies.