MAY, 1902.]
List of Artillery and Stores required for the Andamang. 6 Iron 12 prs. with Garrison Carriages with all their apparatus.
2 Brass 6 prs. Field pieces with Field Carriages and their apparatus. 1200 12 pr. Round Shot. 300 Do. Grape. 400 6 pr. round Shot fixed to bottoms. 100 Do. Case Shot. 30 Barrels of Gun powder. 30 Barrels of Musquet Ammunition, 600 Flannel Cartridge bags for 12 pounders. 200 Do. Do. Do, for 6 Do.
1 Gin with Blacks (sic) and fold complete. 20 Large Tarpaulins.
(To be continued.)
the Nair Brigade Band plays the Dead
Maroh [!), while guns corresponding to the age of To a non-Hindu the ceremonies and customs the deceased are fired from the saluting batteries. consequent on the death of a member of the
The junior members of the Maharaja's family, reigning family of Travancore are interesting, with their principal servants and the officers of the but somewbat inexplicable, inasmuch as there 18 civil service, from the Dewan downwards, assemble probably a reason for every custom and rite, and
at the deceased Prince's palace to prepare the yet so little is known regarding the ceremonies
corpse for the funeral. The junior members carried out on the occasion. Even among Hindus,
of the family separately walk round the remains it is only a select few who are able to throw light several times, uttering prayers or performing on the subject. For instance, the corpse of a some sacred rite, guided by the Kakkandathe, or deceased Prince is invariably wrapped in a red priest. In about two hours after the death or scarlet silk cloth, and it would be interesting
the arrangements to convey the body to the to know why red or scarlet is the colour chosen. cremating ground are generally complete, that is Yet nobody appears to be sure. It is conjeotured to say, besides the prayers and ceremonies that scarlet is the colour for Princes; but the
aforesaid, the body is bathed and richly dressed Travancore Princes are simple in their habits,
in a robe of red or scarlet silk. and in the privacy of life are amply satisfied with a white muslin cloth or two. Even on State occa
Then the Funeral cortege sets out, acoom - sions, very sober-coloured and simple costumes panied by the officers of the State and the Nair are worn. However this may be (writes a corre
Brigade, who follow in procession with head gear spondent to the Madras Mail), I have gleaned a
(kud imis) loosed and artus reversed. Before the few facts regarding Travancore Royal funerals
body is taken from the palace, a hole is made in which may be of some interest
the wall of the compartment where it rested,
and through this the corpoe is conveyed outAs soon as death is announced, the attendants side. This is a custom even with Sadras, the and others, especially the women servants of reigning family of Travancore being Kshatriae. the Prince's palace, proclaim the fact by a loud What the exact superstition, or idea, is, I am not and oontinued wailing. The news flies apace in a position to say, but I fancy that there is and bells are tolled, mounted troopers, with arms belief that if the corpse is conveyed through the reversed, gallop about imparting the tidinge, and door, other deaths will immediately follow.