(JUNE, 1902.
1703. - No. XLIII.
: No. 1.
18th September 1703.28 Letter from Superintendant at Andamans dated 10th September. Reports that the Cornwallis Snow requires great Repairs, and requests that the Master Attendant be desired to examine into the State oi the vessel and return her to the Andaman Establishment as soon as possible, Informs that three Veseels will be always necessary to be constantly employed to transport Provisions &ca. offers a Vessel built by the late Colonel Kyd (Terms) - Requests an Order for ten thousand Rupees on Account of the Expences of the Andaman Establishment.
The Marine Ocers to examine into the State of the Cornwallis Snow Major Kyd desired to state the Specific terans of Monthly bire for the Vessel he mentioned including Wear & Tear and all risks excepting that of Capture -The charge for the Commander, Officers & Crew Govt. will take npon themselves - Treasury Order Issued.
No. 2. Read & Lottor from the Superintendant at the Andamans Vated 14th September.
Informs that Mr. Brittridge only Struck off 80 copies of the Chart of the North East Harbour of the Andamans and that it was his intention to have sent them with the Copper Plate to the Secretary's Office.
To be Deposited in the Secretary's Office. Ten Copios to be sent to Madras, Bombay and the Superintendant of Prince of Wales Island and Twenty to be forwarded to the Court of Directors.
1793. - No. XLIV.
Fort William 7th October 1793. The following Letter was received yesterday from Lieutenant Wells at Port Cornwallis. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary &ca. &ca.
Sir, - I have the honor to inform you of my having drawn the undermentioned Bills, on the Governor General in Council at Thirty days Sight, for Oash paid by Individuals into the public Treasury of this Settlement, Vizt. 1793 Payable
Sicca Rs. Augt. 10th. To Mr. David Wood or Order for ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Septr. 18th. To Do.
Do. ... ... ... ... 300 0 0 20: To Mersrs. Paxton Cockerell Trail & Co. or Order ... ... 2800 0 0
Rs. 3700 0 0 Amounting together to the Sum of Three Thousand and Seven hundred Sicca Rupees.
I have the Honor to be with Respect
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant (Signed) Edmund Wolls, Lieut. In tempry. Chargo at the Andamans, Port Cornwallis 23rd September 1793, Ordered that the Bills, above advised be duly honored.
26 The two next letters, abstracta of which (copied from the Index of 1799) only are given below, are not to be found in detail in the Consultation Book.]