[MAY, 1902.
I do hereby Certify in patsuence of the General Orders, that the articles Specified in this Indent are indispensably necessary for the Service of the Settlement at the Andamans, According to the best of my knowledge and Belief, after the most carefal Examination. Port Cornwallis
Signe Edmund Welsh, Commissary. June 37th 1793. S
IA. Kyd, Superintendant at Andamans. Ordered that the Garrison Store keeper be directed to comply with the above Indent for Provisions requisite at the Settlement of Port Cornwallis and to despatch thein by the Seahorse,
1793. - No. XXXIX.
Fort William 20th July 1798. Read a Letter and its enclosure from the Superintendant at the Andamans.
Supt. at the Andamans 33rd July. To The Most Noble Marquis Cornwallis Governor General in Council.
My Lord, - On the 13th of Jane & vessel trom Madras sent with dispatcbes for Admiral Cornwallis arrived at the Andamans by which we learnt that the Nation was engaged in a War with France.
Altho I did not think it probable that the Enemy would have it in their power to fit ont au Armament, or think the attack of the Establishment an Object, yet from our very defenceless Situation I did not fail to feel some alarm lest some of their Privateers for the sake of Plunder. might be induced to pay us a visit and immediately therefore began to deviso moans to enable us to repel such attempte.
On the 17th of June the Union arrived from Bengal in which Vessel there was a number of useful labourers, and as I had then fixt on a plan which I thought the best adapted for our Situation, and most within our power of execution, and as all our people were pretty well covered from the Weather Immediately began to take Measures for putting it in execution.
The Accompanying plan of the ground of the new Establishment with a copy of my letter to the Engineer will point out what is intended to be done by which your Lordship will perceive that the Post may soon be made a respectable one, and I hope you will think, that the plan was the most expedient for the Occasion.
As the Cornwallis and Sea Horse Snows were both ready for sea, I immediately came to the resolution of dispatobing them to Calcutta for the Necessary Supply of Artillery and Stores for such a Post and for such encrease of the Detachment as might be thought necessary And also thought it best to proceed to this place myself, in the Idea, that I could be more useful here in forwarding the Equipment and procuring the necessary people, than by remaining at Port Cornwallis where I was convinced every possible exertion would be made towards carrying the proposed plan into execution and in this I am bappy that I anticipated your Lordship's wishes which were conveyed to me in a letter from Mr. Hay by the Venus Brig which Vessel we Spoke the day we left Port Cornwallis.
I now take the Liberty of pointing ont to your Lordship, what Strikes me as most Necessary and pressing to be done for the protection of the Settlement at the Andamang.
The Sepoy Detachment to be encroneed to the Strength of two Companies from Volunteer Bopoys from the Battalions at Barrackpore.
A Detachment of European Artillery to be ordered in readiness consisting of one Sorjeant, ono Corporal, two Gunners and Ten Matrosses,