[APRIL, 1902.
I beg leave to observe that the Sums Charged for the Articles provided at Calcutta, Prince of Wales's Island and the Andamans, are unaccompanied by any Vouchers; your Lordship in Council will therefore be pleased to determine on the Charges for those articles as well as for Commission at the rate of 10 per Cent on the purchase of the principal part of the Stores.
The only check which these accounts could undergo in this Office was a comparison of the Sums advanced to Captain Blair and an Examination of the Additions and Calculations of Account all of which are perfectly correct.
I have the honor to be with the highest respect &c, Fort William Acct. Gen1s. Office (Signed) Thos. Myers the 24th May 1793. Depty Act. Gen!.
Ordered that the Accounts above Mentioned be sent to the Acting Marine Paymaster and Naval Storekeeper for his report thereon. The Governor General in Council does not think it proper to Authorize the Commission of 10 per Cent drawn by Captain Blair on his Purchases of Stores, as it does not accord with the existing Regulations.
1798. No. XXIX.
Fort William 31st May 1793.
The following Letter and its enclosure were received from the Acting Marine Paymaster, and, under the Circumstances stated therein the Secretary was directed to call on Captain Blair to Certify to his Accounts upon Honor, as true and Just, which having been done, Authority was given for Paying them and an Order on the Treasury was issued yesterday, in favor of the Acting Marine Paymaster for the Sum of S. Rs, 639-1-6 to enable him to discharge the Balance due to Captain Blair on the 12th March 1793, on Account of Supplies &c. for the Settlement at the Andamans except the Commission Charged and declined to be admitted at the last meeting, on his Purchases of Stores.
To Edward Hay Esq. Secretary to the Government.
Sir,-In Consequence of your desire that the Accounts for 1792/3 delivered by Captain Blair, might be examined, I wrote to that Gentleman this day, to furnish me with the different vouchers, enclosed is a Copy of his reply which I beg leave to forward you.
The Particular quality of each article, not being generally specified, in Captain Blair's Accounts, renders it difficult to examine them with precision.
The Accounts, fourteen in number, I herewith return.
I am &c.
(Signed) Bruce Boswell
Fort William Marine Paymaster's Office
the 29th May 1793.
Enclosed in a Letter from the Acting Marine Paymaster dated 29th May.
Calcutta May 29th 1793.
Acting Marine Paymaster.
To Bruce Boswell Esqre. Acting Marine Paymaster.
Sir, Being unacquainted with Official forms, it never occurred to me that Vouchers were necessary for the Stores I purchased for the Settlement at the Andamans, but had I been informed that they were, on the delivery of my first set of Accounts, I Certainly should not have omitted them with those which have been sent for your examination.
I have no doubt on a Comparison of the Prices Current, of the Times, when the Stores were purchased, with those charged in my Accounts that it will appear they have been reasonably bought. I am &c. (Signed) Archibald Blair. (A true Copy) (Signed) Bruce Boswell Acts Marine Paym".
(To be continued.)