MAY, 1902]
BY SIR RICHARD C. TEMPLE. (Continued from p. 212.)
1793. No. Xxx. The following Letters were received on the 28th Instant from Captain Blair.
Captain Blair Dated 27th May. To The Most Noble Charles Marquis Cornwallis K. G. Governor General &on. in Council.
My Lord, I have the honor to lay before your Lordship & General Chart of the Andamans, a letter of Report on the Subject, and a Paper Containing Astronomical Observations,
Should your Lordship have leiste to examine the chart and Report, you will perceive that several Dangers have been lately discovered ; and from the very abrupt inequalities of the depth in several places it is probable that there may be other Dangers yet undiscovered I therefore beg leave to observe that a more minute investigation of the Soundings appears neressary in those parts where the bottom is Coral.
The best time to execute this service will be from December to April inclusive, when the weather is favorable, and when it is probable the Viper might be Spared from the Pilot Service for this investigation. I beg leave aleo to observe that Lieutt, Wales is well qualified to execute this Service. I am My Lord Marquis Your Lordships Most Obed. Humble Servt.
(Signed) Archibald Blair. Calcutta May 27th 1703.
Captain Blair Dated 27th May. To the Most Noble Charles Marquis Cornwallis K. G. Governor General &c. in Council.
My Lord, To a former report which I had the honor to lay before your Lordship June 19th 1789, with a General Chart and Plans of three Harbours, it is now necessary to add a sequel : having Compleated the Circuit of the Andamans since that Period, discovered an excellent Harbour, a number of Inlets, and several dangerous Coral Banks.
Having by your Lordships orders engaged some Artificers Sepoys and Laborers and also provided the necessary Stores, I left Calcutta the beginning of September 1789 to form 8 small settlement at the Port now termed in the Chart Old Harbour, with Instructions to prosecute the Survey, when the Vessels could be spared from the Service of the Settlement, Soon after my arrival I made a Particular Survey of Old Harbour a plan of which I had the honor to transmit to your Lordship from thence.
East Coast Andamans. - On March the 20th 1790 having left Lieutenant Wales in Charge, at the Settlement, I sailed with the Ranger and Viper Accompanyed, by Captain Kyd in the Experi. ment, to prosecute the Survey, and with an intention to Compleat the Circuit of the Andamans Our rout (sic) being from Old Harbour up the East Coast of the Island I shall observe the same progrersion in this Report,
From the North point which forms the entrance of Old Harbour, the land rises rather Abruptly to a height which may be seen above thirty miles distant: a Continuation of this, in a broken Ridge in the direction of North, and to an extent of nine miles very pointeily marks to the Navigator the situation of old Harbour, at the North extremity of the Ridge the decent is more Gentle,