MARCH, 1902.)
9. The literal translation of this line is Carrying was at the time when I was a boy,' which Dr. Lanfer translates I carried it when a boy,' which translation I shonld have accepted, if I had received it a little sooner.
7, 8, 9. The repetition of the stem of the verb may have been employed here to fill up the line ; otherwise it serves to denote the Durative.
11. The translation of this line, as well as that of several others, contained in songs, is not quite literal. The reason is that I tried to keep up a certain metre in the German translation.
12. Dr. Lanfer tells me that sogopa means shoulder-blade,' not 'wing. The upper portion of the wing is called sog spa in Ladakhi,
16. sreste = mingled = together, 17. nusgal = nugagal, nug, a little bag in Ladakhi. 18. pho chen = pho rta, gelding.
20. According to Dr. Lanfor, the literal translation should be a thin saddle.' He is wrong : the literal translation is saddle and bridle, The word srab or sra' bs is colloquial Ladakhi for a horse's 'head-straps."
21. snalo, nose-ring in Ladakhi..
2. ma sa, did not eat. The simple present-stem is used for the past, as the time is sufficiently indicated by ma.
3. yeangma, respectful form for meal, as y sol ja for ten 4. shangkhu, Ladakhi for spyangki, wolf. 5. drara, a meal in the middle of the day.
20. chungrtagepo, he whose sign is smallness, or youth, po is the emphatic article, see Ladakhi Grammar. 31. mi phod, literally I am not able,' as correctly stated by Dr. Lanfer. I
III. 4. sdigla, substituted on account of the metre for adigpala, to the sinful one. As we learn from the Winter Myth, adigpa, is one of the names of the giant of the north.
5. gri btangba, to give the knife = to use it to eat or stab. D'a btangba, to shoot arrows, is a parallel form.
11. As Dr. Lanfer remarks, the word adigpai, " of the wicked," or "for the wicked," is left untranslated. Compare note on No. 1., 11.
20. Iciboes, respectful for to ride,' derived from chibs, horse, 24. jusnamsai, take greetings. The i cannot be explained.
28, 32, etc.bing, come out; the Ladakhi verb bingces is not to be derived from abyingba, as Dr. Lanfer supposee, but from 'abyungba, according to the views of Ladakhis.
28. bors, kept it; in Ladakhi the verb borces is often used in the sense of 'to keep,' as is indicated in Jäschke's Dictionary under 'aborba, 3.
31. phud, let go ; is not to be taken as an imperative tense of 'abudpa, as Dr, Lanfer supposes. It is the imperative tense of phudces, which is a causative form of 'abudpa.
82. droma. See also 36 dras, from draba, to cut. 82. Cang lhog, Ladakhi for trank of the body.