Ani, 1902.)
Text. Ran-malemal man kon fai la amara! failil 18-n ura; lupaan -
Mao-garden one-living he did go forth scattering here and there seed-of plant but when thing-bis amars faili, spaelok pan tu lan isl, tal ap para la o man 060 fail lan rad scatter about some fall down on path they after trod away and animal Aying about sky they ken aninni. did eat.
Bemarks. Sabjects : 1. Ran-malumalaman
Integers : 2. an amara faili.
Indicators: Ran, dan, epuelok, ial, man, lan. 3. epaelok,
Predicators : fai, pan, pura, aniani.
Explicators : malemal, aman, ura, an, susu. 5. man run foil lan na.
Illustrators : ken, ls, amaral, amarn,' faili, Prédicates: 1. kan fai la amara faili won wa, lapuan, faili," tu, ap, la, fail, ken.
2. lapaan (verb to be implied), Connectors : , lan, o. 8. por tu lan ial,
Referent Conjunctors : 4. ap pura la,
Referont Subatitates: 'ra, n. 5. ken animai.
| Introducers: 18. KOTA, BANK'S ISLANDS.
Text. l-gone wel NyaTar met mage - savarl mo-na ol sivuil : ti sayur, mal
Some-person does souttering did go so that he coatter for him the seed while now and tum so we mama • pan mate-wala, no me rano-vars, wel of mana t -vunens some seed does fall on side-ita road and was trodden-on and the bird belonging to above-its met gras qet. did st completely.
Betparts. Subjects : 1. igene we savaavur,
Integers : 2. sin,
Indientors : sivai, sivai, pan, matenla, manu. 3. (ni=he),
Predicators : sage, savur, savar, mamas, 4. tuan sivui,
Tanovarad, gana. 8. (tuan sivui),
Explicatrs : SATsavar, mona, 0,1 tuan, 0, 6.0 mana tapunana.
tavunane. Predientes: 1. me sage,
Illustrabors : we, me, ti, we, me, me, qet. 2. Tur mona o timu
Connectors: Wal, wa, wa. | 8. ti nyur,
Referent Conjunctors: 4. We mamas a pan matesala, Referent Sabstitutes . igene, 5. me Vanovan,
Introducers: sin. me gana qet.
Ual ala sta led tagata halal mitol el lalu mil saito; na ia lalu maito, 'a *
Did go forth the man wattering oorn to scatter there corn () he soatters coro did pate isi i lo wala, o li
na foi o mana fe-lolei. fall there some on the ridgo-rom ww trodden was when also by birds-flying.