[MAROH, 1902.
Agreed that the Union be continued on freight for Six Months from this Period, on the former Terms, and that Notice thereof be sent to Captain Blair, who is to be acquainted that, on the Arrival of the Viper at the Presidency, it is intended to put the Union under the Command of Lieutenant Roper.
Ordered that the Military Board and Garrison Store Keeper be informed that the Stores and Provisions, indented for by the Superintendant at the Andamans are to be pat on Board the Union, which will Sail for Port Cornwallis in a few Days.
1798. - No. XIX.
Fort William 26th April 1793. Real a Letter from the Garrison Store Keeper, Edward Hay Esqre Secretary to the Government.
Sir, -Having received an Indent by the Union for (1000) One Thousand Maunds of Rice and (100) One hundred Maunds of wheat for the use of the Settlement at Port Cornwallis, I request you will advise the Governor General in Council thereof, and communicate to me his Orders wbether, and when, it should be provided. Fort William
I have the honor to be &ca 26th April 1703.
(Signed) C. A. Robinson Garrison Store Keeper. Agreed that the Garrison store Keeper be authorized to comply with the Indent mentioned in bis Letter, and informed that the Rice and the wheat May be sent in the Union, which will be dispatched to Port Cornwallis in a few days.
1798. - No. XX.
Fort William 26th April 1798. The following Letter and its enclosures were Received on the 24th Instant, from the Town Major. To Edward Hay Esqre Secretary to the Government.
Sir, I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a list of Sepoys, Artificers and Followers who are to embark on the Phoenix for the Andamans.
I am &ca Town Major's Office
(Signed) A. Apsley 24th April 1798.
Town Major, Enclosures of Town Major 24th April. List of Artificers and followers remaining of Major Kydds Establishment to be embarked on the Phoenix for the Andamans.
1 Tindal. 16 Sawyers.
A List of Sepoys, Artificers and followers 11 Carpenters.
remaining of Lieutt. Wells's Establishment. 5 Potters.
1 Jemidar. 2 Washermeu.
1 Fifer. 5 Brickmakers.
7 Sepoys. 5 Bricklayers.
2 Bhesties. Total 45.
3 Shop Keepers. 1 Barber. 23 Women & Followers. Total 38.
Town Major's Office 24th April 1798.
(Signed) A. Apsley
T. M