Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 31
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 72
________________ 68 THE INDIAN ANTIQUABY. FEBRUARY, 1902.) Vaidyanath is also a holy place. In the centre of the village is the temple of Vaidyanath Swami, with a Prakáram or wall round it, in front of which is another temple of the goddess Parvati. On the tops of these two teinples are erected the Sikharams or spires on which are placed gold or gilt vases. When I arrived there was performed the ceremony of Sivaratri, a festival of Sira, when white turbans are bound over the gold Fases of the temples. During that ceremony thousands of travellers bring carboys, containing water from the Gangå river, procured at Gangautri, Haridwar, Prayaga, Uttarabahini, and Gangasager. With this they make the abhishekam or aspersion of the god, the Vaidyanath Lingam, and worship him with sandal and flowers, etc. Any person who brings the water from ench of these five places, and presents them for three years to the god Vaidyanath Swami, will undoubtedly obtain his desires. It is said that the pilgrims bring every year one lakh of carboys and present them. North of the temple of Vai lyanath Swami is a temple called Sita Ramaswami, in which are placed five images called Bharata, Satrughna, RAMA, Lakshmana, and Sita. On the north of this is the tempio of the goddess Chandt or KAII, where sheep and goats are offered in sacrifice. On the south side of the temple of Vaidyanath Swamt, is the temple of Bhairava Lals in which is an image : all the travellers as they pass exclaim Bhâm Vaidyanath' or Bhairavalálji.' This last resembles & Bauddha image, sitting in the posture called Padmasanam. The statue is of the height of 4 cubits, and wears a yogapatta (Yojnaparita) or cloth bound across the breast. The people say that this image is the khazanckí or treasurer of the god Vaidyanath-Swami. On the north of the village is a large tank. February 10th. - Arrived at Bhagalpur, having left Vaidyanath on the 7th. Bhagalpur is a large town, where the Collector and Judge reside. In the city is a Jain temple in which is placed a Padan, or the sculptured feet of the god Vasupaya Tirthakara, who obtained moksham or salvation, at this place. It is said that this temple was established formerly, by the king Srepika Maharaja, and in front of that temple stood two pillars or turrets built with chunám and bricks, of the height of two cocoarat trees. It is said that about four centuries ago there was a merchant, named Manikys Chand, of the Jaina sect, who dwelt at this city: he built four pillarg of the same size at this place, and "laid a terrace upon them, standing upon which every morning after he rose be could see the hill of Sumedha-parvat, and so visit the temples of that sacred place. Of the four pillars two have disappeared entirely. The other two are still in good condition, in front of the feet of Vapupajya Tirthakan. At the bottom of the pillar on the left-band is a bil or hole, into which it seems a man can pass: the Jain pilgrims, after worshipping the sculptured feet of Våsapůjya proceed to the mouth of that bole, and cast into it cocoanuts, cardamoms, nutmegs, and sweetmeats, eto. It is said that there are many Jain images in that cavity, and that all the ancient sages were accustomed formerly to go into the cavern to visit those images. On the east and north of the temple of Vasupujya are two tanks, and between them is a mango grove, where the pilgrims encamp. February 15th. - From Bhagalpur I went to Champapur, one kos, on the bank of the river Ganga.? There are two temples of the Jainas, one of which was dedicated to Vasupujya; the other teinple belongs to the Swetambaras. It is said that, sixty years ago, the Swetâmbaras of Murshid • A form of Siva, one of the twelve great Lingams. See Hamilton, Vol. I. p. 160; but the best account of it is given by Col. Fraoklin in the appondix to the second part of his Enquiry into the site of Palibothra. It is to be regretted that he should bavi so metamorphoged names -- thus 'Vaidyanath' is with him 'Bijoonath, etc. -T. The twelve great Linkams are Mallikarjuna at Brisailam, Mahek Alaat Ujjain, Omers on the Narmada, Amaresvara wear Ujjain, Somanatha in Kathikwad. Rimeivara on the island in Palk's Strait, Trayambaks near Naik, Bhimatankar probably at Droharam, Vaidyanaths in Bengal, Kedaron on the Himalaya, Viavevar at Bankus, apd Gautamesa unknown. - J. B. • The tarrota of Bhagalpar are dolinented in Lord Valentis's Travels, and in the frat part of Col. Franklin's Palibothra.-T. • Oriental Magasins and Calcutta Rovio, Vol. I. (June 1823), pp. 770-775. 1 Champ or Champkpur is called by the author of the Dada-Kumara the onpital of Angs. It is also frequently mentioned in the Vrthat. Katha and Malapra Charitra, works of the 12th and 13th centuries. --T.


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