22. From the period of your Arrival at the place of Your distination you will report, either directly, to ourselves or through Our Secretary, from time to time, as opportunities offer, the progress You have made in fulfilling the Duties of your Station, and you will also not omit to Mention and enumerate the Animal, Mineral and Vegitable productions of the Islands, as the Same shall fall under your Notice, or the Notice of others belonging to the Establishment.
23. We have only to add to these Instructions that we wish you, upon employing the Vessels allotted to the Andaman Service to give particular Orders to the Commanders to Omit no opportunity, in their different Courses thro' the Bay of Bengal of noticing in their Journals, the prevailing Winds and Ourrents, the soundingo, Anchoring boals, or Dangers throughout the Bay, and on the Consts of the Islands, yet un[as]certained, As well as the productions of those Coasts, the Quality of the Soil, dispositions of the Surface, and that when you Report to 18 the informations You may receive, you communicate to us your own opinion of the Benefits that may be derived to the general Advancement of Navigation, or other Useful purposes from the Lights obtained upon those Subjects. Fort William
We are &ca. the 18th February 1793.
1798. - No. VIII. Fort William 18th February 1799.
Capt. Kyd 18th Febry. Read a Letter from the Superintendant at the Andamans. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to the Government.
Sir,- In addition to the Sum of Money that may be ordered to be furnished me for the Expences of the Settlement at the Andamans: I have to request that you will be so good as to represent to the Right Honble, the Governor General in Council that the Sum of Two thousand Dollars will be necessary for the occasional purchase of Articles of Provisions at Acheen or on the coast of Pedier.
but I have the bonor to be &ca
(Signed) A. Kyd Captain Commanding Andamans. Fort William 18th February 1798.
1703. - No. IX.
Fort William 220 February 1793. The Secretary lays before the Board a return sent to him, at his request by Captain Kyd, of the Establishment at the Andamans. General Return of the Establishment at the Andamans February 1708.
Commissioned Omcors and staff. Captain Alexander Kyd Commandant Lieutenant Edmund Wells Commanding the Infantry Ensign Joseph Stokoe Engineer Mr. Wood
Assistant Surgeon
Infantry Detachment. 1 Lieutenant 1 Sergeant Major 1 Subadar 1 Jemadar