FEBRUARY, -1992)
hill, etc.
24. dramanpa ragyogssa haribpa
24. Hasten, you drummersh as. mgyogs, etc.
ten, you clarinet players, etc. 25. gangs stod mthonpoi steng
25. On the top of the high icedena, etc. 26. gangssi singye vyuralcan
26. There sits the ice-lion with bzhugs, etc.
the turquoise mane, etc. 27. sing phruz legsmoi dg‘nbala
27. Look at the joy of the lion's yzigs, etc.
good child I etc. 28. brag stod mthonpoisteug
28. On the top of the high rock, dena, etc. 29. skyin chen ba rgan brag
29. There sits the big ibex, the stengilu bzhugs, etc.
old ox, etc. 30. sha phran 'adzommoi dg'abala
30. Look at the joy of all the yzigs, etc.
young deer! etc. 31. mkhar stod mthonpoi steng
31. There high up on the castle, dena, etc.
etc. 8.2. mi chen gongma khrii kha
32. All the king's family is bzhugs, etc.
sitting on thrones, etc. 33. grags zhan 'adzommoi dg'a
83. Look at the joy of all the bala yzigs, etc.
other famous men ! etc. 34. makhang gru bzbii nang
34. Inside the four-cornered de ia, etc.
mother's room, etc. 35. skyid khang gru bzhii nang
35. Inside the four-cornered room dens, etc.
of happiness, etc. 36. gab yum yayiska bdemo nang
36. Father and mother live in 'adug, etc.
comfort, eto. yiyen drung 'adzommoi
37. Look at the joy of all the dg'abala yzigs, etc.
assembled friends ! etc. 38. ngazha thsangkai mentogla
38. Look at all our flowers ! etc. yziga, etc. 89. phrugapa thsangkai mentogla
39. Look at the flowers of all the yzigs
children ! mentog lanmo lei.
The flower show, hurra! Notas.
Notes. 4. Originally from where does the flower the scene is the following: The village boys, show come ? 6. Cinds ought to be spelled who all through the summer have lived a shepherd according to the views of Ladakhis ci mia; A life in distant secluded valleys, have to come parallel is minda nyis, mi mda nyis, about two down for the festival and dance whilst singing the men ; thus & word mda (or perhaps 'ada] 'about' above song; in their hands they carry long sticks ieems to exist. 15. 'adzommo = 'adzompo covered all over with alpine flowers. gathered, abundantly. 20. Pa used as emphatic I n v. 4-19 we have a little play of answering article ; lo lags sed, it is a good year, the questions, which almost exactly corresponds to adjective used as a verb. 23. mGyogspa, quick, Wedding Song No. IV. The variations are the is also used as a verb. 26. Ralcan, having following: in the Wolding Songs the abur lance locks of hair. 84. Makhang, mother's room, is of colours is attributed to the North, and the * certain part of the house near the fireside. West is considered famous for medicines. 20. 39. Phrugupa, the children as a body of Mother's fields" are very fertile fields.
26, 27. The ice lion and his child are originnlly the glacier and the brook, later op they developed into fabulous beings thought to be living there.