MARCE, 1902.
Sunday 7th. The First part Moderate, Latter fresh Gales, Westerly & Fair Wen'. 2 Men went Cont] a fishing and caught only 4 Small Fish.
Monday 8. Light Variable Breezes & Cloudy Weat. The Carpenter finish'd The Deck Smith an Before, People Carrying up Plank for the kiln. 2 men went out a fishing & Caught Plenty; In the evening to our great Joy had severall Showers of Rain. Saved & Butts of water ; having this Morning Served 3 pints a man pr Day.
Tuesday 9th, Moderate Breezes Southerly & Some Rain. Saved a little more Water. Carpenter Fitting Comings to the Hatchway; Smith Making fishing Hooks, People picking Oukum.
Wednesday 10th
A Strong Gale Easterly. Employd as pr day Past.
Thursday Ilth. Moderate Breezes Westerly & fair Wea. Carpenter Fixing Ledges & Making Scuttles. 2 Mon went (out] a fishing & Canght 20 Fish. Set Fire to Some of the Wreck to gett (biru) the Iron out. Raisd the Birds and got 4 Fixkine of Eggs.
Friday 12. Light Variable Breezes and Cloudy Weat. Carpenter Caulking the deck; Smith Making Caulking Irons. 3 Men Went (out) a fishing & Caught 6 dozen [of] fish.
Saturday 13th, Wind S W the first part Cloudy, the latter Rain. & Men went and Caught Enough for Dinner.
Sunday Door 14. The first part Moderate Gales Sotherly: the latter Fine Wew. 2 Men Went A Fishing & Caught 4 Dozen of fish. Rais'd The Birds and Gott 300 Egge
Monday 15th. Strong Galea Eterly & hazey Wea". Carpenter Lining [5° ) Iaside, Smith Making Iron for the Bowsprit.
Tuesday 10. Mostly Rainy Wear. Carpenter as Before Smith Making Chain Plates out of the Phuttuck [futtock] Plates, that came ashore in the Top At Low Water Employ'd Clearing the Channen.
. Wednesday 17. Moderate breezes Westerly. Carpenter & Smith as before. 2 Men went Fishing & Caught 4 Dozen & fish. The Ret Employ'd Opening the Kiln, and Afterwards went to Egg Island to get some Shaggs, but do not Catch any, so return'd with Only a few Eggs.
Thursday 18th, Wind, &c as p' day past. 8 Men went a fishing & Caught & Dozen, of fish. Carpenter Employ'd as before, People Clearing [y] Channell
Friday 19. Light Variable Breezes & thick Wear with drizling Rain. Carpenter Employ'd - Before, Yesterday 5 Men went to Egg Island & Stayd all Night in Order to gett Some Sgs: and Return'd this Morning with 14: two Men Want tistung & Langht 5 dozon of fish