(FEBRDARY, 1902.
Song No. XII. - The Brahman Beggar. Text.
Translation. 1 sharri khacul yzbungna tamasha yod lei 1. In the middle of the town of Kashmir
there is a festival. ci molled bramzele
What do you say [to that], oh Brahman 2.sala mentog yang 'adzin tamasha yol lui 2. On the ground there is the festival of the
yang'adsin flower! yang inolled bramzele
What do you say (to that), oh Brâhman? 3. sharri khaeul yahangna bras dkar'ollo yod 3. In the town of Kashmir there is milk-white lei
rice! i molle bramzele.
What do you say [to that], oh Brahman ? Notes.
Notes. 1, 3. Sharri = shahr, town, Hindust.; Brahmans, on their pilgrimage to the source of tamasha, Hindustani for show, festival
the Indus, often pass through Ladakh and ask 2. Yung'adzin, a certain flower of Kashmir; alins from the people. The Ladakhis, who canwhich people cannot tell.
not understand the Brâhman's aims, ask, if they 3. 'ollo, milk-whito, compare 'Olyong in "The had not better stay in Kashmir, where there is so Golden Boy."
much better food and pleasure.
Song No. XIII. - The Ibez.
Text. 1. stabai skyin sabai nangna 2. skyin chen brgya dang stong badussed
3. Iba klu kun ma 'athadna su 'athad 'adug
Translation, 1. In my father's place of (hunting) the ibex 2. There gather hundreds and thousands of
large ibex. 3. If the lhes and klue do not enjoy this
spectacle) who would enjoy it ? 4. If the deities do not enjoy it, who would
enjoy it! 5. The horns are thy caruelian ornament. 6 The colour of the hair is thy gold. 7 In my father's place of (hunting) the female
4. yzhi bdag kun ma 'athadna su 'athad 'adog
5. Tuba kbyerri chongla 'adug 6. Spukha khyerri yerls 'adug. 7. stabai dan sabai nangna
8. danmo brgya dang stong bedussed
9. lha klu menne su 'athad 'adug
8 There gather hundreds and thousands of
female ibex. 9. Besides the lhas and klms, who enjoys [this
spectacle] ? 10. Besides the deities who enjoys (this spec
tacle)? 11. The horns are thy carnelian ornament. 12. The colour of the hair is thy gold.
10. yahi bdag spenne su 'athad 'adug
11. ruba khverri chongla 'adug 19. spukha khyerri yerla 'adug.
1. Ata, father, in Lower Ladakh, Purig and Baltistan. 4. yxhibdag = owner of the ground, Tonal deities. 5. Chong, beads, made of carnelian stone. Khyerri = khyedrangngi, thine, 9, 10. Menne = mannas, besides,
3. Lha, a god, klu, a water-spirit, pre-Buddhist godling. The meaning is that man hardly ever visits those regions and therefore cannot enjoy the spectacle. 5, 6, 11, 12 are addressed to the iber. 11. Also the female ibex bas small horas.