PEARY, 1902.
Fort William 15th March 1793. The following Orders were sent yesterday to the Marine Officers. Cudbert Thornhiu Leqre Master Attendant and Bruce Boswell Esqre Acting Marine
Paymaster and Natal Storekooper. Gentlemen, - I have orders from the Governor General in Council to desire that you will be pleased to cause a regular Survey to be immediately made of the ship or Snow Darlington which has been tendered by Mr Robert Peck to take a Number of Sepoys and a freight of Rice to Port: Cornwallis at the Great Andamana Island, and that you will acquaint me, for the information of the Governor General in Council whether she be in all respects, a proper Vessel to proceed thither at this season of the Year with a Number of Sepoys or Artificers not exceeding 100, and . Quantity of Rioe net Exceeding 1000 Bags. . Council Chamber
I am Gentlemen Your most obedient humble servant March 14th 1798.
(Signed) E. Hay. Fort William 15th March 1798. Read a Letter from the Acting Marine Pay Master. To Edward Hay Esqre Secretary to the Government.
Sir, In consequence of the orders of the Right Honble the Governor General in Council Communicated to me in your Letter of the 14th Instant for the immediate survey of the Snow Darlington I am to inform you that Mr Robert Pook, has withdrawn his proposals for freighting that Vessel, as you will find by the enclosed Copy of the Assistant Depaty Master Attendants answer, to my official Letter of yesterday to him on that subject
I am &ca Fort William Marine Paymasters Office
(Signed) Bruce Boswell 18th March 1798.
Acting Marine Pay Master. To Bruce Boswell Esqre Acting Marine Paymaster.
(Enclosed in the Letter from the Acting Marine Paymaster 15th March.)
Sir, - I have seen Captain Peck who has declined taking the Company's freight and is now nearly loaded with Rice for Masulipatam.
I am &cs Marine Office
(Signed) G. French 15th March 1708.
A. Dy. Mr. Attdt. A true Copy Bruce Boswell Acting Marine Paymaster.
Fort William 15th March 1798. . . Read a Letter from Captain Pock. To Edward Hay Esqre Secretary to the Government.
Sir,- I received Your Answer from Government with respect to the Proposals for conveying the Stores &oa to the Andamans and beg you will be pleased to inform the Board as the Quantity of
rain is not to exceed One Thousand Bags and the men to be carried at 12 Rapore per Mengem it will not Pay the Sailing Charges of my Vessel which I Informed you was said to have Carried three Thousand five Hundred Bags to Bombay in the S. W. Monsoon, The extent of time I should sap poss the Darlington would be in making The Passage to the Andamans if she left the River in all this Month would not exceed fifteen Days. ..
Calcutta 18th March 1798.
(Signed) Robert Peok. Ordered that Inquiry be made for another Vessel to taka the Sepoys and Artificers and the Rice to the Andamans.
(To be continued.)
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