1st party.
8. dngal mgar khaspai blugs
phorpai nangna 9. dngal nang ronya thsang cig
yod lei 10. dngul ning rgyalpoi khognor
rig yin lei 11. ronya nganpa thangla skyur
2nd party. 12. thangla ma skyur sdig re che
lei 13. nachung brgyabai yogkhorla
brdzes 14. khyogthong brgyabai skyed
khorla brdzes 15. kunla brdzespai kun brdzes
shig yin 16. yangle brdzespai yang brdzes
shig yin.
Notes. 2. Nang, within the gold there is brass, they are mixed.
8. Rig - cig, indefinite article.
5. Ro, assumes here as sometimes in Parig the meaning of the indefinite article.
1st party. 8. In the melting pot of the
clever silversmith 9. There is silver and lead
together. 10. Silver is the life-wealth of the
king. 11. The bad lead throw on the
plein. and party. 12. Do not throw it on the plain!
It would be a great rin! 13. Fasten it to the yogkhor of
100 [poor] girls! 14. Fasten it to the girdle of
100 [poor) youths ! 18. It is a general ornament to be
used by many, 16. It is a most general ornament
to be used by many more.
Notes. 6. Yogkhor - lower wrappinga, name of the sheep skin, which is worn over the shoulders, formerly it may have been wrapped round the waist.
Song No. V. - The Alchi Monastery. Text.
Translation 1. bde skyid phan sum thsogspas
1. Through the most perfectly happy circam
stances 2. bzangpoi rten 'abrel 'agrig song
2. The good suspioes were fulfilled. 8. blamai thagskyi smonlam
3. Through the spiritual prayers of the Lamas 4. bzangpoi rten 'abrel 'agrig song
4. The good auspices were fulfilled. 6. skam shing lo 'adabs rgyas song
5. Green leaves came out of the dry wood. 6. thugskyi rgya mthso legs byung
6. The spiritual ocean has been blessed. 7. bsgrub thabs yzabmoi dgonpa
7. The carefully built monastery is completed. 8. ladvags yongskyi chos skor
8. All Ladakhis may make the meritorious
circumambulation. 9. ka ylang sengge yzong bsgrubs
9. With the chisel lion-like pillars were formed. 10.rimo nor 'adzin pātra
10. [Also] pictares and treasure-holding book
shelves. 11. zhalchad brtanpoi chos srung
11. The promise-keeping protector of religion 12. ming grage rdo rje chenmo
12. Is the famous great thunderbolt. ming grags rdo rje chenmos
13. Oh, famous great thunderbolt, 14. bstanpa yul srung mdzod cig
14. Protect the country through the teaching ! 15. yul ngos yongskyi yzabmoi
15. Through a careful teaching in all directions 16. bstanpas yul srung mdzod cig
16. Protect the country! 17. . byang chub shinglas rkos begrabs
17. From the wood of the holy fig tree scalp
tures were cut. 18. sgo bagrigs yongskyi yzabmo
18. The folding doors more carefully than any