JANUARY, 1885.]
The poor peasant, when he had recovered from the beating which the traveller had given him, tried the neighbours' houses, but alas! no sheep and no purchaser of the sheep, only blows and insults, until at length he was obliged to depart, a sadder but wiser man, back to his village.
The following story will show that Sharaf's heart was in his profession, and that he followed it not so much for the gain which it brought to him, as for the sport which it
One day he noticed a very poorly-dressed man pick up a dead dove which was lying on the road. He pitied the man's distressed look and state, and followed him, curious to see what he would do with the dead bird. As soon as the man had reached his house, and had shut the door, Sharaf rushed up and bent down to see and listen. He saw the little hungrylooking children standing, or rather dancing, round their father, pulling at his ragged garments, and asking whether he had brought them anything to eat. The history of the family was a very sad one. They had once been in affluent circumstances, but a change in the government had not been in their favour, and they had succumbed to their lot.
The man told the little ones, "Yes, I have got a dead dove. Take it and roast it for dinner." Sharaf Tsûr heard and saw everything, and his heart was moved with compassion for the poor people. He shouted to be allowed to come in, and, on being permitted to do so, he gave the man five rupees saying, "Procure some food with this money, and throw the dead bird away. I am Sharaf Tsûr. Up to this time I have stolen and robbed for my own aggrandisement, but henceforth I will rob and steal for the great God. I promise you that I will visit you again the day after to-morrow and will hand over to you, for your own use, as many rupees as I may get by that time. Fear not, but hope with gladness. Your adversity shall be turned into prosperity." The poor man thanked him, and falling upon his knees before him, said, "Your honour's pleasure: God bless you abundantly."
Sopar is a moderate sized town, midway between Srinagar and Bârâmûlê, the town where visitors ex
On the following day Sharaf visited the mosque near to this man's dwelling, and spent much time in earnest prayer. Prayer over, he sat to rest awhile. Presently the imúm came in.
Sharaf at once commenced conversation with him, and spent the remainder of the day and part of the succeeding night with him in the mosque. Sharaf thought that he was never going to leave. At last, about one in the morning the imám went to his home. No sooner had he departed than Sharaf, who had previously hired a swift and strong horse, started at post-haste for Sopûr."
On arriving at Sopûr Sharaf made straight for the treasury, and thence stole many bags of rupees. He fastened these bags round his waist, and then again mounting his horse, returned to the place whence he had first started as quickly as he came. The bags of rupees he at once took to the poor man, whom he had promised to help, and then went and laid down again in the mosque. He slept soundly the remaining half hour of the night.
The next morning the treasurer discovered that a robbery had taken place. "Some bags have been taken," he said. A report was at once sent to the Viceroy at Srinagar with a hint that it was Sharaf Tsûr's work.
The Viceroy instantly summoned Sharaf to appear before him. When he was brought, he was at once ordered to speak the truth and deliver up the money.
Sharaf assumed a look of intense surprise, and did not appear in the least frightened. "When was the money stolen ?" he asked. "Yesterday night," was the reply. Sharaf then quietly asked, them to allow the imúm, with whom he spent the greater part of yesterfor the imam please, and enquire from him day and yesterday night to be sent for. "Send
whether I was not with him at the time of the robbery. How could I be here and at Sopûr at one and the same time?" The imúm was brought and testified to the truth of Sharaf's words, and so the thief and robber was set at liberty.
Another time Sharaf, arrayed in the dress of a great man, went to pay his respects to a very
change mules and coolies for the boats on their way to "the Happy Valley."