Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 212
________________ 190 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1885. lord Chaitanya himself appeared, intoxi- | that for reasons which need not be detailed cated with the sweetness of their strains in here, I have been unable to get possession of prose and verse. the actual copperplate. I managed, however, In the time of Vidyâpati, Bengal and Mithilâ to get a carefully corrected copy. It has never, were not distinct as they are now. Then the I believe, been published. castoms and language of both countries were श्रीगजरथपुरात् समस्तप्रक्रियाविराजमान-श्रीमद्राnearly the same, and the learned men of each मेश्वरीवरलब्धप्रसाद-भवानीभक्तिभावनापरायण-रूपनwere on mutual terms of good feeling. From the writings of the 14th and 15th centuries, रायण-महाराजाधिराज-श्रीमच्छिवसिंहदेवपादास्समरwhether in Bangalî or Sanskrit, it is evident विजयिनो जरैल-तपायां बिसपीग्रामवास्तव्यसकललोthat the Bangali Pandits did not look upon the कान् भूकर्षकाँश्च समादिशन्ति । ज्ञातमस्तु भवताम् । the Maithili Pandits as forming a distinct caste. ग्रामोऽयमस्माभिः समक्रियाभिनवजयदेव-महापण्डितThe Eastern Bangalis adopted Vidyâpati's songs almost 2.9 soon as they were written, ठकुर-श्रीविद्यापतिभ्यः शासनीकृत्य मदत्तो। ग्रामand amongst men of taste the foreign Vidya- कस्था यूयमेतेषां वचनकरी भूकर्षकादिकर्म करिष्यpati was preferred even to the Bangili Chandi | थेति ॥ लसं २० श्रावण सदि ७ गरी॥ Dåsa. We ceased to call him a Maithila poet, but, calling him a Bangali, gave him unhesi श्लोकास्तु।। tatingly a niche in the temple of our hearts. अब्दे लक्ष्मणसेनभूपतिमते वहिग्रहयतिते । The language of the songs of Vidyapati which are found in the Pada-Kalpataru, differ मासे श्रावणसञ्जके मुनितिथी पक्षेऽवलक्षे गुरी। somewhat from the language of those songs वाग्वत्यास्सरितस्तटे गजरथेत्याख्यापसिद्धे पुरे । of his which are current in Mithila”; but, दित्सोत्साहविवृद्धिवाहुपुलकः सभ्याय मध्ये शुभम् ॥१॥ whether knowingly or unknowingly, all we प्रज्ञावान् प्रचरोवरं पृथुतराभोग नदीमातृकम् । who meditate on the sports of Krishna, whether Krishna, whether | सारण्य ससरोवरं च बिसपीनामानमासीमतः । poets or worshippers, have placed him on the श्रीविद्यापतिशर्मणे सुकवये पुत्रादिभिर्भुजताम् । throne as prince of poets, and claimed him as our own, although he belonged to another स श्रीमान् शिवसिंहदेवनपतिमं ददे शासनम् ॥२॥ land. In imitation of him Govinda Dasa, येन साहसमयेन सत्रिणां तुङ्गवाहवरपृष्टवर्तिना । Krishna Disa, Narottama Disa, Jiana Dasa, | अश्वपत्तिबलयोर्बलं जितं गज्जनाधिपतिगौड़भभुSri Nivas, Narahari Disa, and other Vaish जाम् ॥ ३॥ nava poets, have sung their lays, and made their names famous thereby, and he will be रौप्यकुम्भ इव कज्जलरेखा श्वेतपद्म इव शवलवल्ली। long honoured at the head of the roll of Baigan | यस्य कीर्तिनवकेतककान्त्या म्लानिमति विजितो हरिpoets. Even when the sun of the Hindi | णाङ्कः ॥४॥ religion has set, when belief in faith in | द्विषन्नपतिवाहिनीरुधिरवाहिनीकोटिभिः Krishna, and in that medicine for the " disease of existence," the hymns of Krishna's love, is | प्रतापतरुवृद्धये समरमेदनी प्लाविता।। extinct, still the love borne for the songs of समस्तहरिदङ्गनाचिकुरपाशवासक्षम Vidyapati in which ho tells of Krishna and | सितमसरपाण्डुर जगति येन लब्धं यशः॥५॥ Radha, will never be diminished. मतङ्गजरथमदः कनकदानकल्पद्रुमTRANSLATOR'S APPENDICES. स्तुलापुरुषमद्भुतं निजधनः पिता दापितः । No. I. NOTE 24, p. 188. मुखानि च महात्मना जगति येन भूमीभुजा The following is the deed of endowment | परापरपयानिायाम परापरपयोनिधिः प्रथममैत्रपात्रं सदा ॥ ६ ॥ granting Bisapi to Vidyapati. It happened | नरपतिकुलमान्यः कर्णशिक्षावदान्यः 33 He was born in 1401 Saka= A.D., 1484 as the old ____" [This is not the fact as regards the language. The rhyme says, BangAll of Chandi Dasa is quite a different language चौहशत सात शके जन्मेर प्रमाण | from the Maithill of Vidy&pati, and they were contemचोदशत पन्चाने हइला अन्तधान poraries.-G.A.G.] फाल्गुण पूर्णिमा सन्ध्याय प्रभर जन्मोदय | " [Only four or five of the songs in the Pada-Kalpaसेइ काले देवजोग चन्द्रर ग्रहण हय || taru are known in Mithil.-G. A. G.] -Chaitanya-Charitāmrita I. 17..


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