PAli inscriptions ......... ............. 1387, 3311 | porphuroun anthos of the Greeks is perhaps pdlidhwaja or paliketana, denotes a particular
the dhdva-tree.............
................ 840 arrangement of flags ..........
*****.. ........ 1041
PrakaśAditya, coins of ............................... 179 palimpsest grant, an instance of a ............... 49 Priksit inscriptions ......... ............ 1381, 331ff Palavas are said to have been conquered by Pratâ parudra of Utala; his conversion by
the Western Gangas in battle at Viļandha. 230 Chaitanya mentioned in VidyabhUshana's Palmleaf Manuscript from Japan, description Sahityakaumudl..................................... 353
of an old ................................................... 228£ pravaras, mentioned in records :Pampa; see Abhinava-Pampa..................... 14
Gautama-Avitatha-Angirasa ......... 102 panchamahababda, notes on the meaning of 202n Prithivf Raj of Dehli, his doings with Mal. paschamahayajña, 'the five great sacri.
............... 258, 260 fices' ..............
.... 202
priests of the Aborigines of India ............. 126 pandit, use of the term in Kasmir............... proverbs - Arabic, 92, 124, 185, 206, 261, 262, 292; pangelin; see phattagés ............................
- Hindustani, 155, 157;-Tamil, 78, 108, 109, Pañj, a Mithila historical record .................. .187 138;-about the Jatts ............................. 02 Pañjidrs, Bengali genealogiste ............... 187 psittakos of the Greeks is the parroquet ...... 304 papyrus-reed, Greek accounts of the Indian.. 335 Pájyapada is a biruda, not the real name of Parakåsarivarman, a name of Rajendra-Chôļa 206 a Yati, and may have belonged to others Paramatattvarahasya-Upanishad, résumé of besides Dôvanandin or Gunanandin ......... 355
the contents of the.............. ............ 5 Pulikósin(II. (Western Chalukyas), spurious parebon-tree of the Greeks is the pfpal-tree... 3364 Kandalgám plates of; edited ............... 330f Parmál, Raja, the Chandel ............... 209, 2651 punishment for thieves in Kasmir, a ............ 32 parroquet, ancient Greek notices of the Indian 304 I punydha-odchana ceremony........................ 115 Parvatesvara, a mountain king in the north of Puriņio genealogy of the early Chalukyas,
India ............................. .............. 1076 49;-of the Yadavas of Dêvagiri ........... 314 Parwan Pass, Chinghiz Khan in the ............. 85ff Purushaparikshå, of Vidyâpati, was written in Pfaliputra seems to have been the capital of the reign of Sivasimha, 188;-the opening
the Early Guptas................ ....................... 93f and concluding lines; edited .................. 1911 pattacharya, a religious title synonymous with putra, as the termination of metronymios; see
mandaldchdrya, .0. ............................... 23n Gagiputa, Gótiputa, Haritiputra, Haritipattakila, an official title ........ ............... 161 putra, Håritiputra, and Vachhiputa. 49, 50, 56, Pattavardhuna, a Brahmaṇical surname in the
139, 330 Southern Marath& Country.................. 74, 75 python, ancient Greek notices of the ....... 308 Pathen, a god of the Kakis (Aborigines) ...... 127 Paundarika-kshetra, a locality near Belgaum.. 74 Qandahar; see Kandahar.............................. 85 peacock-emblem on coins ............................. 65ff Pelagius, Papal Legate to the Georgians ...... 174n Rachamalla-Permanadi, a name of Satyapepper, black, Greek notices of the Indian ... 338 vakya Konganivarman (Western Ganga) ... 76 petroleum, ancient notions regarding............ 807 Raghavapandaviya was written by Śrutaksrtphattages of the Greeks is the pangolin ...... 287 ti-Traividya ..............
................ 14 pheasant, ancient Greek notices of the mundi 305 Rajakesarivarman, name of Kulottungaphéran, the Kasmiri cloak, legendary origin of 265 phloios of the Greeks is the papyrus-reed...... 335 Rajamahầndri District inscriptions ......484, 558 pig, ancient Greek notices of the Indian .....286 | Rajarija II. (Chola successors of the Eastern pigeon, ancient Greek notices of the green ... 305 Chalukyas), Korumelli plates of; edited, ptpal-tree, the Indian ; Greek notices of it 488;-the date of his accession was Suka
under the name of parábon.................. 336 Samvat 944 .............................................. 50 planets accounted kings, 43-as regents of the Rajakékhara, a poet, his date fixed as between days and hours, 1ff ;-colours sacred to
A.D. 850 and 925 ...................................... 354 them, 4;-metals sacred to them, 2, 4;- Rajendra-Chola of Tanjore,' notes on the personified as heavenly kings, 4 ;-referred family and date of................................2034 to as gode: 4;-ringe bearing the names of Rajendra-Chola-Parakesarivarman, the legend
them, 2, 4;-stones sacred to them............ on the seal of the Leiden plates of; edited... 206 plants and animals of India which were known RajputAnA inscriptions............... ............... 88 to early Greek authors, identification of the 274ff, Ramachandra (Yadava of Devagiri), Paithan
803ff, 334ff plates of; edited, 314ff ;-he established Polu; see Boru ..........
......... 268 himself on the throne by force ............... 314