Satyaáraya, or Vira-Satyaáraya, of the Latest Chalukyas of Kalyanapura Satyavákya-Konginivarman, Coorg inscription of; edited
Satyavarman, Maharaja (Eastern Ganga),
'Chicacole' plates of; edited ..................10ff Saumelpur on the Koil, identified with the
Sambalaka of Ptolemy Sâvattili désa in the Vengi country, including certain villages...... seals of grants, emblems on, 10, 49, 55, 68, 101f, 140, 229, 288, 314, 330;-legends on... 49, 55, 102, 2051, 288 seasons, an instance of the ancient division of the Indian year into only three 333f Sembalapuraka, town in Central India......... 159 séna, as the termination of the names of some of the Kshatrapas, is a mislection of stha (simha)..... Sêna kings of Bengal and Bihar, 183f;supplanted the Pâlas about A.D. 1030 ...... 165 serpents, ancient Greek notions regarding 208
sesaminon Elaion of the Greeks is gingely oil...... Sêuna dééa, a district on the north bank of the Godavari, including certain villages 315 Seven Vastrs, the; noticed ........................ 152 Seven Wise Masters, the; noticed ............ 152 Shashthadêva II. (Later KAdambas of Goa), Goa plates of; edited.... ........288ff Shêrgadh inscription of Dêvadatta; edited, 351f 45ff;-interpretation of the date sheep, ancient Greek notices of the Indian siddham at the commencement of an inscription .............. 333 sidhi bát ki dalalt, the 'plain-language trick'...... sign-manual, an actual representation of a, 198; and.....
Siladitya I. of Valabhi, Wald plates of the year 286 of; edited........... ..............327ff silence, vows of, on the part of faqirs, instances of ...... Bindibâd, the Book of; noticed.................. 152 sindúra stands for sindhura, elephant'......... 24n Sing Bonga, a god of the Hos and Santals,
Singhana I. and II. (Yadava of Devagiri); certain kings subdued by them siptakhoras-tree of the Greeks combines the characteristics of the khusum-tree and the mahwwa.............................3091, 3371
sittakos, see psittakos Sivachitta; a name of Shashṭhadêva II. (Later Kadambas of Goa)
Sivadeva I., Maharaja, (Lichchhavis of Nepal); Golmaḍhitôl inscription of him and Améuvarman, of Gupta-Samvat 318; edited, 97f;-the same noticed, 342ff; -like Amsuvarman, he was a feudatory of Harshavardhana of Kanauj, 349; his date was A.D. 637... 342, 350 II., Mahárájádhiraja (Thakuri family of Nepal); his date was A.D. 725745 (P) 344, 348, 350f Sivakumaramah&råja, proposed to be identified with the Early Kadamba Mrigêéávarman ****
Šivasimha, king of Mithila, 187ff;-a copperplate grant by him; edited.... Sivaskandanâgasri, daughter of a Maharaja 334 Skandagupta (Early Gupta), silver coins of... 66f Skandasvati, an official of Sivaskandanâgaéri...333f skoléx of the Greeks is the crocodile...... 306f snakes, ancient Greek notices of the sea 308 sódara, a corruption of soldier,' used to denote white troops .........298n Sômadeva wrote the Yasastilaka A.D. 959... 354 Sômavamsa included the Chalukyas, 55;and the Yadavas of Devagiri 314 Southern Marâth& Country inscriptions 14ff, 140ff spikenard, Greek notices of Indian... 340 spirits, worshipped by the Aborigines of India 128 spurious inscriptions ........141, 229, 330 Sravana-Belgola compact between the Jains and the Vaishnavas; edited ....233ff, 292 Srigupta or Gupta, Maharaja (Early Gupta);
discussion as to the correct form of his name, 94, 180;-an instance of the occurrence of the name, but of another individual, in a Népal inscription .................. 343n Śripathi, the ancient Sanskrit name of Byânâ,
q. v.
Śrutakirtti-Traividya, author of the Râghava-Pandaviya, flourished about Saka14 Samvat 1045......... Stambhatirtha, the ancient Sanskrit name of 123 'Khambay'. stars of the different nakshatras 43ff stones sacred to the different planets........ sugar-candy was exported from India to Afghanistan in the time of Babar and subsequently...... * 335 sugar-canes, Greek accounts of 3341 sun, the worship of the, seems to have become general in northern India about the time of Skandagupta, 95;-as a symbol on inscriptions and coins Sung Emperor of China; his wars with the Mongols ........ 267 Sunga dynasty, a genealogical inscription of the; edited.