Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 229
________________ JULY, 1885.) MISCELLANEA. 203 to gifts to Brahmans. And future kings of be given by him who gives gold, a cow, and our lineage, or others, shall assent to this our land! Many kings have enjoyed the earth, gift, (considering it) as equal to their own gifts, commencing with Sagara; as long as and shall preserve it, recognising that the (a king) possesses the earth, so long the reward reward of a grant of land is common (to all of grants) belongs to him! Those gifts, prokings), and reflecting that the inconstant royal ductive of spiritual merit, wealth, and glory, dignity is as transient as the lightning, and which have been formerly made here (on earth) that life is as unstable as a drop of water by kings, are like offerings to & deity or hanging on the tip of a blade of grass. And vomited food; what good man would take them if one, whose mind is covered by the thick back again ? O prince, best of the rulers of darkness of ignorance, shall confiscate (this the earth, assiduously preserve the land, given grant) or assent to its confiscation,-he shall by thyself or given by others; to preserve incur (the guilt of the five great sins and the (land) is more meritorious than to give it! minor sins." Therefore men of pure minds and possessed of (L. 44).--- And the holy Vyåsa, the arranger of self-restraint, shall not destroy the fame of the Vedas, has said :-"He who gives land, others,-reflecting that royal dignity and dwells for sixty thousand years in heaven; he human life are as unstable as a drop of water who confiscates it or assents to its confiscation), on a lotus-leaf !" shall dwell as long in hell! Those who (L. 53).-The messenger for this (grant) is confiscate a grant of land, are re-born as black Sri-Devaraja. And it is written by the snakes, which dwell in dry holes of trees in minister of war and peace, Sri-N & rây ana, the waterless forests of the Vindhya (moxn- the son of Sri-Darga bhata. tains)! Gold is the first offspring of fire ; "the (L. 54.)-What is written above, is the earth belongs to Vishņu; and cows are the pleasure of me, Sri-Dhruvarajade va, the daughters of the sun: the three worlds willson of Sri-Karkar aja deva. MISCELLANEA. NOTE ON THE FAMILY AND DATE OF THE The oldest of these three grants, which I have GREAT RAJENDRA-CHOLA OF TANJORE. | marked A, after detailing the genealogy of the The two inscriptions, Nos. CLIII: and CLIV., Eastern Chalukya dynasty as far as VimalAditya, contributed by Mr. Fleet on pp. 48 to 59 of the states that his queen was the daughter of a RajaFebruary number of this volume, contain matter rája, of the solar race, and the father of Rajendraof so much value and interest from their bearing Chola, brother of the queen. The son of Vimallon the supersession of the Eastern Chalukya ditya and the Chola princess is then said to have dynasty by the Cholas of Tanjore, and especially been Rajaraja II., who ascended the throne in with reference to the history of Rajendra, entitled Saka 944 - A.D. 1022-23. He appears to have given Kulottunga-Chola, Kopparikesari Varman, &c., the village of Korumelli, situated about 40 miles that I am desirous of drawing attention to some south of the Godavari, to a Bråhman. difficulties in which his exact date and parentage The second, which I have called the Chelor appear to be involved. grant B, was copied by Mr. Fleet; a copy of it I have had occasion, more than once, to refer to is included in my MS. Collection, and the these points, and particularly in a contribution original is now in the British Museum. It is a made to the International Numismata Orientalia remarkably fine édsanam, with a large handsome in November last. Some of the information I seal, which as well as that of the following (C) is possessed was founded on another copper basanam, represented in the Madras Journal, N. S., Vol. IV. which I hope Mr. Fleet will be good enough to plate ii. figa. 2, 3, and at p. 94. To this I can publish in continuation of the two just referred to. only refer from my own notes, and an abstract This I have frequently quoted under the name of translation made for Colonel MoKenzie which the Chelor grant, from the place where it was I have lately discovered. It calls Rajarajafound-a village in the Kokanada Taluka, 18 or 20 Narendra the son of Vimaladitya, and states miles south-east of Rajamahendri, on the way that he married Ammanga, the daughter of a from that place to Koringa. I certain Rajendra-Chola of the solar race, and According to the Naiydyik as, gold consists of fire (tajas).


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