....... 202
Brahmajñanins in the Southern Marathê Chaturvédins of Gujarat Country ..................
74 Chaulukyas of Anhilvåd, notes on the hisBrahmanical surnames in the Southern Mara. tory of the ............ .............. 64, 354 the country .........
Chellar plates of Kulottunga-Chodadêva II., Brihanndrdyana-Upanishad; see Máhandrd. of Saka-Samvat 1056; edited ............... 55ff
yana-Upanishad ...................................... 4ff Chhatravatf; see Ahichchhattra.................... 822 British Museum plates of Ereganga; edited, Chinese accounts of Chinghiz Khan ......... 1434
229ff ;-of Vira-Satyasraya ; edited ......... 140ff Chinese Emperors, the Kin and Sung; Buddha, 'notice of Rockhill's translation of
their quarrel............................. 267, 271, 272 the Life of ............ ........................ 264 Chinghiz Khan pursues Muḥammad Shah Buddhist inscriptions ......... 45ff, 1394, 3274, 344 Khwarizmi, 81;-captures Talikan, 82;-his Budhagupta, silver coins of ....................... 67f treatment of his adopted son Kutuku, 84 ;Bukkaraya of Vijayanagara, an inscription of
captures Bâmiyán (Andarab), 86;-attitude the time of; edited ...........
............... 233ff
towards his sons, 87;defeats JalAlu'd-din Bulgaria, Mongols in..........
Khwarizmi, 87, 88;-his cruelties at Balkh, Bundelkhandi, a dialect of Bihari ............... 209 143 ;-folktale of Chinghiz and the stag, Byana, a town in the Bharatpur State; see 143;--Chinese accounts of his doings, 144;
Bêhayånå and Sripathể ...... ............8, 9 mission of Ch'ang-Ch'un to him, 144ff ;Byânâ inscription of the Ruija Mangala; his religious views, 151f ;-his great hunt
noticed, 9f, -of the Adhiraja Vijaya; at Samarkand, 169;-summons a general edited ...........
..... 8ff council (kuriltai)................ ***............ 170
Chicacole' plates of the Maharaja SatyaCentenary Review of the Asiatic Society of varman; edited ............
............ 10ff Bengal, notice of the ................ 355 Choļa country, kings of the .......................... 204 Central India inscriptions......... 45, 159, 351, 352 Chola successors of the Eastern Chalukya Ceylon, a prince of, in Egypt ..................... 60 kings .................................... 48ff, 55ff, 203ff Chaitanya; an old rhyme giving the date of Ohöļas, genealogy of the ............................. 204 his birth as Saka-Samvat 1401, 190n;
Chul-i-Jalalt, desert of .............................. 89 spreads Vidyâpati's writings, 182;-is cocoanut, the Indian; Greek notices of it mentioned in the mangala of Vidya. under the name of nauplios
nouuptios .............. 336 bhashana's Sahityakaumudi .................. 353 coins, gold, Châlukya-Chandra; a name of Saktirarman
of the Early Guptas .................92ff, 179ff (Eastern Chalukya) .............................. 50
of Jaya-Prakirnayasas .................. 95n Chalukyas, Early, attributed to the Soma
of Kicha ...................................... 96 vansa, 50, 55;-Puriņic genealogy
of Nara-Baladitya ........................9 . and history of the ........................
of Vishnu-Chandråditya ................... 93n .. Eastern, genealogical inscriptions coins, silver
of the......................... 48ff, 55ff of the Early Guptas ...................... 65ff , Western, a genealogical inscription
of Budhagupta .................
674 (spurious) of the ..................... 330f of Chandragupta II. ...................... 65€ Chalukyas, Western, a genealogical insorip
of Damodaragupta (doubtful) ........... tion of the .......................... 14ff of Isanavarman . of late date at Kalyanapura ...... 1408 of Krishnaraja............ Chaudidása, & poet; the contemporary of
of the Kshatrapas, 325;-a note on the Vidy&pati ..... ........................ 188ff, 193ff
legends of them ..................... 6tn, 325 Chandragupta of the Udayagiri cave inscrip.
of Kumâragupta ............................... tion; his identity discussed. .............. 61, 352 of Rudrasimha................................. 325 Chandragupta II. (Early Gupta); the silver
of Skandagupta ............................... 664 coins of ................................................. 651 coins of the Early Guptas; their weights Ch'ang.Ch'un, the Taouist philosopher, 144; 1 follow old Roman, Lydian, and Macedo--visits Chinghiz Khân, 144;-his journey
nian standards...........
****** .. 93 through Asia.
.............. 145ff colours sacred to the planets Chang-yeou, Chinese general of the Mongols 268 Coorg' insoription of Satyavákya-Kongipicharaoter of the Koreans ........................... 262 varman; edited ............ charas, ancient Greek notions regarding ...... 310 copper-plate grants; mention of a model Chattayadeva, vernacular form of the name of form for drafting them ....................
Shashthadêva II. (Later Kadambas of Goa) 289n cosmogony of the Aborigines of India......... 120