Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 267
________________ AUGUST, 1885.) MISCELLANEA. 235 of the holy trident-mark, of the holy feet. and the drawers of water, the four (thrones)" and the eight tátas, the instructors of the true faith, the Tirukula and Jåmbavakula – declaring that between the Vaishṇava darsanao and this Jaina darsana there was no difference whatever, the king, taking the hand of the Jains and placing it in the hand of the Vaishộavas (decreed as follows) :-In this Jaina darsana," socording to former custom, the five big drums and the kalaba (or vase) will (oontinue to be used. If to the Jaina darsana injury on the part of the faithful should arise, it will be protected (in the same manner) as if injury to the Vaishộavas had arisen. In the matter of this custom, the Śrfvaishnavas will set up the decree in all the bastis' throughout the kingdom. As long as sun and moon endure, the Vaishnava samaya will continue to protect the Jaina darsana. The Vaishnavas cannot be allowed to) look upon the Jainas as in a single respect different. The tátass of holy Tirumale, by consent of the blessed people of the whole kingdom, the Jainas throughout the whole kingdom having given according to their doors house by house one fanam a year (to provide) for the personal protection of the god" at the tirtha of Beluguls-will with the gold so raised appoint month by month twenty servants for the personal protection of the god," and with the remainder of the gold will cleanse and purify the ruined Jinalayas": and as long as sun and moon endure, allowing no failure in this custom, and giving the money) year by year, will acquire fame and merit. This rate now made whoso transgresses is a traitor to the king, a traitor to the assembly and the congregation." Be he devotee, or be he village beadman, that destroys this work of morit, they incur the guilt of killing a cow or a Brihman on the bank of Ganges. Whoso takes away land given by bimself or by another is born & worm in ordare for sixty thousand years." MISCELLANEA. ANOTHER BHAUMAYANTRA. edges of the plate are the words for eight weapons With reference to the Bhaumayantra obtained in the accusative singular. The contents of the in Málwa, and published by Dr. Hultzsch in this twenty-one triangles are as follows: Journal, ante Vol. XIII. p. 138f., I give here an Or Mangalaya namaḥ 1. account of another, -obtained by my father, Om Bhumiputra ya namaḥ 2. about forty years ago, from a gentleman who Om Rinahartre namah S. got it in Benares, which has recently come into Om Dhanapradâya namaḥ 4. my possession. The plate is nearly 74 inches Om Sthirsdankya namaḥ 5. square, inscribed with an equilateral triangle, Om Mabâkâyâya namaḥ 6. which, again, is subdivided into twenty-one equi. Om Sarvakarma varôdhakaya namah 7. lateral triangles, each containing, in good Nagart Om Löhitaya namah 8. characters, the mystic syllable Oni, a name of the Om Lðhitakshaya namaḥ 9. planet Mars in the dative singular, the noun namah Om Samagana .. påkaraya namah 10 (troo let. " adoration," and, lastly, a numeral. At the ters illegible in the middle). 10 The name or trinndma, the symbol of the Vaish- See the story from Buchanan in my Mysore and Coorg, navas. Vol. II. p. 239. 11 Tiruvidi for tiruvadi. 1 On this term I have remarked in the introduction. 11 The word following wil or 'four' is not very clear, 11 The pancha-mahasabda commonly included among but it seems to refer to the oocupants of four thrones attributes of great chieftains. or sarısthan-idhipatis appointed by Råminnjachari, 16 A vessel in the form of & Vane or urn containing namely, Tirumale, Kandidi, Bhatráchår and Nallán- water, which plays an important part in religious cere. chakravarti. . monies. Jains temples. 13 Tata, literally grandfather. Certain Vaishnava 10 This must be the colossal Jain statue of Gomatosvaru, teachers of the priestly order are called titáchari, and 60 feet high, on the summit of the Indragiri at Sravana are representatives of eight principal ones appointed by Belgola. There is a story generally current that Rama. Ramanujachåri who were called the ashta-dig-gaja. nujichári had the Vaishnava symbol of the trident cut * This term is not clear, and one copy makes it iuto the middle of its back. But I have been up myself odmantojovakkalu (?). It probably refers to an inferior to see, and also taken Srivaishnavas up to satisfy thein. class of religious teachers under the tátaingalu. selves that nothing of the kind was ever done. 15 The Tiru-kula and Jámbava-kula are two tribes of 21 Sathgha and samudaya; both terms of the sam Holayas or outcastes, still so called. They are credited signification they seem to refer, the former to the with having assisted Ramanujichdri in recovering the Jains and the latter to the Vaishnavas. image of Krishna, called Shelva-pulle Raya, at Melukõte, * This last verse is not very à propos. from Debli (!) whither it had been carried off by the From the Academy, April 4, 1886, p. 245. Muhammadans. Hence they have the privilege of | [The reading given by Dr. Hultasch is Sthirdsand. ontering the temple once a year to pay their devotions ya.-Ed.]


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