Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 366
________________ 328 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1885. accompanies Mr. Mandlila's paper, shows several trabhatti (1. 35). The name of the latter aksharas which are not given in the lithograph, officer occurs in several grants and has been and furnishes in one or two cases correct read- variously transcribed, -by Dr. Bhandarkar ings, where those of the lithograph are faulty.' (Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. X. p. 80, 1, 58, On the whole, however, I feel no hesitation and ante, Vol. I. p. 17, col. 1,) Vasa(?)bhata ;in saying, that the lithograph is far superior by the same (ante, Vol. I. p. 46, col. 2) Vatra(?). to that published with Mr. Mandlik's paper. bhatti ;-by Dr. Bühler (ante, Vol. VI. p. 16, The inscription is of the time of Śiladitya 1. 16) Vasabhatti ;-and by the same (ante, Vol. I., and is dated, in numerical symbols, on the VII. p. 75, 1. 26, and Vol. IX. p. 239, Plate II. sixth day of the dark fortnight of the month . 19) Chandrabhatti ;-by Mr. Mandlik (Jour. Jyêshtha, and in the year 286. Bo. Br. As. Soc. Vol. XI. p. 362) Chandrabhatli, The historical information, furnished by this and (id. p. 363) Chandrabhiti. I believe that grant, is precisely the same as that given in the second of Dr. Bhandarkar's renderings the grant of the same ruler, dated in the year must be accepted as the correct one; for, on 290, which has been published in this Journal, some of the plates in which the name occurs, Vol. IX.p. 237ff. The genealogy commences, the second akshara is distinctly tra; whereas as usual, with Bhatar ka (line 2). Omit- in none can it by any possibility be read as ting some intervening names, in unbroken ndra. lineal succession from him there was Guhasena | I would wish to put before those who have (1. 8). His son was Dharasồna II. (1. 13). a wider knowledge of the phraseology of inAnd his son was Siladitya I, who also scriptions than I can pretend to, my doubts had the name of Dharmaditya (1. 18), and regarding the translation of the words TTTwho issued the charter from Valabbi (1.1). | तामिवाणां मैत्रकाणामतुलबलसंपन्नमण्डलाभोगसंसक्तप्रThe donee is the Buddhist monastery, fonnd- T r g ... franta (orary: ... ed at Valabhi by the royal lady Dudd ), with which the Valabhi inscriptions (1. 20), which is mentioned in other Valabbi open. It was, I believe, Mr. Mandlik (Jour. grants. And the purpose for which the grant Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. XI. p. 346) who first is made is the usual one, viz. to provide for the suggested that the word a should be taken religious service and for the comfort of the as a proper name; and according to him inmates of the monastery and for the keeping Bhatirka "had achieved success in hundreds of in repair of the buildings. battles occurring in the wide extent of terri. The objects granted are-the village of tories of Maitrakas who were endowed with Panda rak û pikå (?) (1.23);-a field held incomparable courage, and who had forcibly by the Kutumbin Sûryaka and one held by... reduced their enemies to submission." Mr. (?) at Uchch â padraka;-an irrigated Fleet, who has been the last to render the field held by Arddhika and one held by Kum- words into English (ante, Vol. VIII. p. 303), bhára at the village of Kakkijja;--and a field has also taken Hai as a proper name, but has held by ... (?) at Indraņipa draka,-all, given the following different translation :-"In it appears, in the Push yanaka Sthali; and the lineage) of the Maitrakas, who by force also four flower-gardens and wells on the out- compelled their enemies to bow down before skirts of Vala bhi. them, there was ... Bhatárka, who was possessed The officers named in the grant are the of glory acquired in a hundred battles fought Dútaka Bhattå ditya yasas (1. 34), who within the circuit of the territories that he had is also mentioned ante, Vol. I. p. 46, 1. 15, and obtained by means of his unequalled strength." the Sandhivigrahadhikrita and Divirapati V &- As regards the former translation, I would Compare particularly the beginnings of lines 1-5 of Dr. Bhandarkar's translation W28-"(BhatArka), Plate II.-This lithograph was not prepared by the who obtained greatness by a hundred wounds received present Editors. in the midst of a circle of friends of matchless might, See the passages quoted in note 22 below. who with main foroe had subjugated their enemies " For kshetra and vápf, compare, for instance, the (ante, Vol. I. p. 14). And Dr. Bühler's was- "Bhatárks, grant published by Dr. Bhandarkar (Jour. Bo. Br. who obtained an empire through the matchless power R. 48. Soc., Vol. X. p. 80); and compare also ante, of his friends that humbled his enemies by main force :Vol. XIII. p. 80, note 13. who gained glory in a handred battles fought at close. . And sometimes #TEIT. quarters" (ante, Vol. IV. p. 106). These two translations were published before Mr. Mandlik's.


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