[NOVEMBER, 1885.
will follow behind." Rayanna heard their They fastened a noose round the neck of the words, and, losing his head, followed after brave Rayinayaka, and left him to swing, while them; falling into (false) confidence, he played all men stood by weeping, and while the people the fool. They said, "Let us go to the stream aronnd were lamenting, saying, "Such a hero as and bathe, and go on when it is time to eat;" || Rayinîyaka should not have been put to death." and Rayaņņa listened to tusir speech. He Thirteenth verse.- When the noose had been laid aside his sword, and was off his guard, fastened, the noble gentleman stood there in and sat down to take off his drawers. Then | meditation, weeping saying-"Such a hero they seized him firmly, so that he could not should not have been put to death." And, move; and they placed him on a stretcher, standing there, he quickly said, " Spend (these) and bound him, and carried him away. Omy ten rupees, and bury him." brother! the time of delusion had come to him. In a befitting way the people assembled and
They carried him into the Kachêrî and set buried Råyinayaka ; it was as if the daylight him down,--this mighty hero Rayinayaka. had departed then before its time)! They The noble gentleman saw the beauty of his quickly brought a tree and planted it over face, the sign that he was a brave and noble the place, and (now) the cradles swing all fellow; and, hearing all the matter, his bowels round (the grave); and to those who worship yearned for him, and he said that he ought not the outspoken Rayinayaka, (God) has given to be killed.
offspring in abundance. Hearing this, the three men spoke out boldly Venkanagauda, and Ninganaganda, and Bato the Saheb, -"Great is the trouble that you lankyaka,-these three men returned, laughing have brought on us."
with joy (at the success of their treachery). Twelfth verse.-Standing before the noble Channabasahna of the drawn sword, and gentleman, and joining their hands in suppli- the great hero Gajavira, sat down and made cation, they say-" You are (our) father (and a plan. And Balanga of Kaddiguddi, and the protector) of our lives. If you let Rayinayaka Bhîmanga of the fort, and Yellanna of the go, we cannot remain in the country; for he Woddas of Belawadi, went with all the people will cut us to pieces outright. First hang us, to the Kachêri; and, going to the noble gentleand then set him free;"—thus they spoke, man, they said, -"Look now; you have standing in the presence of the Såbeb. Then deprived us of (him who was) our glory;" the Saheb, having listened, wrote to that purport the very fibre of our lives has withered and to Bombay, and with good haste posted the died." Then, carrying their drawn swords in letter.
their hands, they turned, and went away to When it arrived there and had been consi- the jungles; and all the occurrence, my brother! dered, they took counsel and sent (orders) that passed into oblivion. so famous a man should not be slain.
"This is the song that was made by the brave Bat before the written answer could arrive, Basava of Mandala-Hebballi; he, the poet, O my brother! they made haste and hanged bimself witnessed (what occurred), and comRåyiniyaka, while those (traitors) stood by. posed (this song) and described it.
Palla. Sangol!i- Riyiniyika sarjya Sampagamvi-Subheyadarana myåga tallimadatáno
punda wattaradinda suttina halli muttigi hâki badedår=aņņå gotta illada há nge hôtyo banded || Palla ||
Ine nudi. Parvada mata helateva nimaga sarvaru kanta kêlarivistarA || Garva banta Sangolli-Kulakannige chandadinda Riyin iyika hondi-konda iddal avara munda buttitealle kadana-byági II Kulakanni-Balappa Rayanna jelakâ mâdu-hotnyaga |
so Birada, for birudu, biruda, lit. :" badge of honour."