(JULY, 1885.
at the beginning of the second Karka's reign From a palæographical point of view, the the same stanza (31) as in No. III. (26). This following observations have to be made on this new inscription (stanzas 9, 10), and No. IV. new inscription. For the most part, has (17, 18) omit Karka II., and include the first the form without the loop; and the form and last of the three stanzas of No. III., whicbf.with the loop. But in a few cases the form treat of Karka III. Now, it is inconceivable without the loop is used for ; see 46 1.1; that the official who drafted the grant of
1. 9; H T 1. 25; Huf 1. 28; and Dhruva II. should have been unacquainted with the name of that king's grandfather. Accord
TAKUT 1. 51. And in a few cases the form ingly, it must be assumed that the writer of with the loop is used for 7; see it 1.1; No. III. selected stanza 26 and stanzas 27 to 29 and af 1. 15. With one exception, from two different forms, preserved at the
1. 8,-final has the peculiar but now wellsecretariate, both of which related to Karka II.
known form that appears in RTT 1. 21. We The first form, which is given in full in No. I.,
have three forms of फ; He फलानि 1. 1, फलम् was composed during the rule of the usurper Govinda IV., and was compiled from different
1. 41, and 4* 1. 49. For, standing single, stanzas of the Vamśávali treating of earlier two forms are used; see TT 1. 26, and kings. The second form, the first and last TT I. 47. And three other forms of the stanzas of which are found in this new inscription
same letter occur in compounds ; see PT and in No. IV., cannot have been composed before the overthrow of Govinda IV. The
1. 2, FRU 1. 39, and qru: I. 15. The avaBaroda inscription" of Karka II., dated Saka graha occurs once; in T SHIGG 1. 43. 734, contains a third form different from both The jihvámáliya occurs three times; e.g. in and dating from the first period of the reign of TXT, I. 48. Karka II. The name of Karka III. must, The engraver of the inscription has copied for the above reasons, be struck out from the the original document without understanding list of the Rashtrakūtas of Gajarât.
it. This is best shown by the fact, that he Dhrava II., like his grandson Dhruva IIL, spells the name of the king who issued the bore the surname Dhiravarsha (lines grant trafiyaRts instead of E astera 21, 24). When he issued the present document, CR (I. 24-25). he was staying at Sarvamangalsattâ near Sri. He often confounds similar letters. Thus Khetaka (line 26-27). By Khetaka, in all he writes for T in Trik for Tor probability, we must understand here,- is
(1. 48) and also the case in the Valabhi inscriptions,"
in for FNTT (1. 15); for 9, the modern Kheda (Kairn) at the confluence in for 7h (1.40) and Tu for of the Vatrak and Sheri rivers, the capital of नारायण (1.54); न for क, in नीति for कीर्ति the Collectorate called after it. According (1. 22);स for म, in सत्तेभ for मत्तेभ (1.4) and to this, the province of Lâţa, ruled over
क्रसीप for क्रमोप (1.35); च for र, in चक्षित by the Rashtraktas of Gujarat --which Govinda III. took away from the Gurjaras,"
for Tigra (1. 14). Other mistakes are pointed and gave in fee to his younger brother
out in the foot-notes. Indra III.," appears to have reached in a The grant contains in its last two lines the northerly direction as far as the Sheri; while, king's sign-manual, which is very remarkable, on the south, it extended to the further bank as its current-hand characters resemble the of the Tapti." My books of reference do not South Indian alphabets, and completely differ enable me to identify the remaining localities from the archaic alphabet used throughout the mentioned in this grant (lines 27 and 29 remainder of the inscription. After the coloto 31).
phon, there occurs twice the peculiar flourish 11 ante Vol. XII. p. 166. 11 ante Vol. X. p. 878. XIII. p.781.). This would be about soventy years before * By this we have probably to tinderstand the Gurjar Garinda III. dynasty, whose last date, 186, of an unspecified or
* ante Vol. V. p. 146; Vol. VI. p. 68; VOL XII. Pp. corresponds to A.D. 788 scoording to the ingenious 187, 180 supposition of Pandit BhagwaniMl Indrajt (ante Vol.
* ante Vol. XII. p. 181