Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 214
________________ 192 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULT, 1886. morals.'87 कथाना प्रस्ताव विरचयति विद्यापतिकविः ॥ ३॥ CONCLUDING LINES. नयानुबोधेन गुणन वापि "(6.) He whose pure grandfather (on the banks) of the Vågvati, king Bhava Simha Deva, कथारसस्यापि कुतूहलेन । adorned with two wives, left his body, in the बुधो पि वैदग्ध्यविशुद्धचेताः presence of Siva, and went to heaven, after प्रबन्धमाकर्णयतां न किम्मे ॥ ४ ॥ having enjoyed the blessings of his kingdom, पुरुषाः परिचीयन्ते युक्तेरस्याः परीक्षया । and after having conquered the universe, and slain his enemies in battle, offering oblations to तत्पुरुषपरीक्षायां कथा सर्वजनमिया ॥ ५ ॥ fire according to the rules of sacrifice, and supCONCLUDING LINES. porting suppliants by his wealth. भुक्त्वा राज्यमुखं विजित्य हरितो हत्त्वा रिपून सारे "(7.) Whose father, Deva Sinha, a conहुत्वा चैव हुताशनं मखविधौ भृत्वा धनैरर्थिनः । queror in battle, in whom all worthy qualiवाग्वत्याः भवसिंहदेवनृपतिस्त्यक्त्वा शिवाग्रे वपुः ties were collected, is now alive (भाति), who पूतो यस्य पितामहः स्वरगमहारद्यालङ्कृतः ॥ ६॥ dug the tank of Sankuripars, and was skilled in granting gifts of gold, elephants, and सकुरीपुरसरोवरक हेमहस्तिरथदानविदग्धः । chariots. भाति यस्य जनको रणजेता देवसिंहगुणराशिः॥७॥ "(8.) He who, after gaining glory in a terrible battle with the king of Ganda and यो गौड़ेश्वरगज्जने खररणे क्षौणीषु लब्ध्वा यशः with him of) Gajjana, is conducting it to its दिक्कान्ताचयकुन्तलेषु नयते कुन्दस्य दामास्पदम् । home in the white kunda-flower in the ringlets तस्य श्रीशिवसिंहदेवनपतर्विज्ञपियस्याज्ञया of all the ladies of the quarters. ग्रन्थं (something illegible) नीतिविषये विद्यापति- "(10.) At the order of this Sri Siva Simha Dêva the king, the friend of the learned ातनोत् ॥८॥ Vidyapati compiled this ...... treatise on OPENING LINES. (1.) That primeval Sakti which Brahman | No. III. Nors 29, p. 188. even, praised by the other gods, praises, which The following are the opening lines of the Siva, worshipped by them, worships, and which Durgábhakti-Tarangini. They have never yet, Vishnu, meditated upon by them, meditates I believe, been printed. I have taken them apon, I salute. " (2.) May Sri Siva Simba Deva, the son of from a good copy in the possession of the gentleman from whom I obtained a copy of the Dåva Sri Deva Simha, honoured amongst Purusha-Pariksha. heroes, excelling among the learned, worthy to be written first amidst the wise, live long. | अभिवाञ्छितसिद्धयर्थ वन्द्रितो यः सरैरपि। " (3.) For the accomplishment of the moral सर्वविघच्छिदे तस्मै गणाधिपतये नमः ॥१॥ instruction of children of unripe understand ing, and for the delectation of city women भक्त्या नम्रसुरेन्द्रमौलिमुकुटमारभारतारस्फुरन् devoted to the enjoyment of love, at the com- माणिक्यातिपुचरन्जितपदवन्दारविन्दश्रियः । mand of Siva Simha the king, Vidyapati the देव्यास्तक्षणदैत्यदर्पदलना सच्चित्महष्टामरpoet fearlessly at once commenced the compilation of these tales. स्वाराज्यप्रतिभूतविष्णुकरुणा गम्भीरदृक् पातु वः ॥२॥ "(4.) Will not also the Pandit, whose in अस्ति श्रीनरसिंहदेवमिथिलाभूमण्डलाखण्डलो tellect has been made clear by his intelligence," hear my work, either for the sake of the | भूभृन्मौलिकिरीटरत्ननिकरमयर्चिताङ्किद्धयः। advantages to be gained by an acquaintance आपूर्वापरदक्षिणोत्तरगिरिमाप्तार्थिवाञ्छाधिकwith morais, or from a curiosity regarding the elegance of the stories. स्वर्णक्षौणिमणिप्रदानविजितश्रीकर्णकल्पद्रुमः॥३॥ " (5.) Men are recognised by the touch- विश्वख्यातनयस्तदीयतनयः प्रौढप्रतापोदयः stone of inferenee (from these stories), and therefore the "Touchstone of Men" will be सामाङ्गणलब्धवरिविजयः कीाप्तलोकत्रयः। "pleasing to every person," | मर्यादानिलयः प्रकामनिलयः प्रज्ञाप्रकर्षाश्रयः » Note that Deyn Simha was alive when this was written.


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