Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 213
________________ July, 1885.] VIDYAPATI AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. 191 परिचितपरमार्थों दानतुष्टार्थिसार्थः । tens of millions of rivers of the blood of the निजचरितपवित्रो देवासंहस्य पुत्रः armies of kings who were his enemies; and who thus gained a glory in the universe, brilस जयति शिवसिंहो वैरिनागेन्द्रसिंहः ॥ ७॥ liant as a mass of whiteness, and able to ग्रामे गृह्णन्त्यमुष्मिन् किमपि नृपतयोहिन्दवोऽन्ये तुरुक्का | clothe the tresses of all the (female)-quarters of गोकोलं स्वात्ममांस सहितमनुदिनं भुजते ते स्वधर्मम् । the earth. ये चनं ग्रामरत्नं नृपकररहितं पालयन्ति प्रताप (6.) His father was a giver of elephants and स्तेषां सत्कीर्तिगाथा दिशि दिशि सुचिरं गीयतां वन्दि- chariots, and a wishing-tree of golden gifts; and through him he gave out of his own F: 11211 wealth, a wondrous gift equal to his father's) 201 EG 9896 83791 THT! weight in gold. By him, high-minded ruler of From Gajarathapura.-The victorious feet the earth, happiness was created, and the of king Siva-Simha, illumined with all pre- recipient of his first friendship was the eastern rogatives, who has obtained favoar by a boon and western sea (for no one else was worthy at the hands of Râmèśvari, who is intent on of it). encouraging the faith of Bhavani, Rupa NA- (7.) Honoured amidst the race of kings, rayana, order and command all inhabitants and skilled in the science of archery, knowing the cultivators of Bisapi in Pargana Jarail, as chief end of man, pleasing with his gifts the follows:- Be it known to you that this village crowd of applicants for his favours, pure in is given by us to the great Pandit Sri Vidyâ- habit, such is he, Siva Simha, the son of Dêva pati Thakkura, glorious as a new Jayadeva. Simha, as, like a lion, he overcomes the eleAccording to his commands must ye cultivate. phants of his enemies. Thursday, 7th of the light half of Srávaņa, (8.) If any Hindû or Musalman king ever L. S. 293 (=A. D. 1400). annex this village, may he eat, together with his own flesh, that of cows and pigs according Verses. to his religion; while as for those who protect (1 and 2.) In the year 293 called after Laksh this jewel of a village from the royal tax, may mana Séna, in the month called Srâvana, on the song of their good fame be sung by crowds the seventh lunar day, in the light half of the of poets for ages in every land. moon, on Thursday, the wise and illustrious No. II. Note 26, p. 188. king Siva Simba Dêva, the hairs of whose The opening and concluding lines of the arms bristled with the desire of giving, in the Purusha-Pariksha are as follows:- They have midst of his famous city known as Gajaratha, never, I believe, been printed before. They are gave to the excellent poet Sri Vidy&pati Sar. taken from a correct copy in the possession of man, and to be enjoyed by his children, that BAbů Bambi-Dhari Simha, of Raghabpur, in the village on the banks of the Vågvati known as Darbhanga District. Bisapi, up to its borders, with much cultivated OPENING LINES. lands, of wide extent, watered by rivers, endowed with woods and tanks. ब्रह्मापि यां नौति नुतः सुरेण (3.) By whom, courageous, sacrificer to Sou rce : 1 the gods, and riding on the backs of excellent यां ध्यायति ध्यानगतोऽपि विष्णुelephants (?), the armies, horse and foot sol स्तामादिशक्तिं शिरसा प्रपद्ये ॥१॥ diers of the kings of Gajjana and Gauda were वीरेबु मान्याः सुधियां वरेण्यो conquered." (4.) The brilliancy of the fresh kétaka- विद्यावतामादिविलेखनीयः। flower of whose glory has conquered the moon, श्रीदेवसिंहक्षितिपालसनुand made it to fade, even as a silver jar is net sfrace: 1111 dimmed by collyrium, or a white lotus by a शिशूनां सिद्धयर्थ नयपरिचितेनूतनधियां trailing saivala-plant. (5.) By whom, for the increase of the tree Te R i HashTYTI of his glory, the battle-field was soaked with Sale: HC Parafheralata: 3. The original of this line is very obscure and is probably incorrectly written in my copy.


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