(MAY, 1885.
Second plate ; second side. CO) bhuma 200 pamnasi-bhůmi 200 M ailâradêvå-bhâmi 200 [*] mülastânadôvå-MAli-Bireyanayaka-bhumi
500 A gri[*] hê hasta 12 kusmâm Asvabandha lamanavu nudata Brahmadêvâ 19] 100 somnara 200 dvårapálya 100 nåviya 100 [4] ana mikå 100 [1] ēvam gráma isânya Korgulava[] li-grâmi-Borevali-gråma-Selagára-t[r*]igrama[SO] trisaṁgadau mârjala-pamja vahalA c hhamka samimma. [""] ta v upanidhi Rudra-pâda dakshan-abhimukham gatva [*] Borevali-Selagára-dvaagrâmâ-sîma-samdhir-uchya[] tê jala-pravaba vahala dhanu vamka sarpa-mukha-sa[) mi-samühar chandra-sild 5 Virådharavuna-grâm& Agnêya Ma[*] dubâviya-gråma-Vorabali-Selagára-t[r*Jigråmå-trisargadan fi påsha na-pumja vupanidhi târamtaratilekați pramiņu p&
Third plate. [") schim-abhimukhari
Madubavi-Selagâra-sîma-sa[*] Sarka-pumja Svayambhu-Krishņa sarri sunkiga-taţAka-paschima-pârâ["'] patham Baragiri-Madakuņikeya-sîme
varaha-tataka [*] riņa-sile-salu-pumja
5 paschima-nairitya
Beluvali[") ke-Madakuņike-Selagåra-t[r* Jigråmå-trisamgada
pa["] rasu-pumja 2 vupanidhi påvak-ôchhrishta-vattar-ábhimukhe ["] Beluvaņike-Selagára-dvangrama-sîmâ
amdhara[") giri 3 achalatataka såld-pamja 6 vundra-parbata [*] grầma-vâyẫvya
Końgulavali-Beluvaņike-Sela["] gåra-trigrama-trisamgadau pürba vamdra-giri mone dvau vupap] nidhi Bhairava-pada
Komgulavali-Selagira[*] sîme raja-tataka hema-mrittika-pumja 4 kâ tiasa-sile jala-pravaha [""] viravam kadharô tatha isânya-sîmâ samậptah || Sva-datam para-data [ và yê harêti vasumdhara sashțir-basha-sahasrâņi vishţâyâm jậyatê krimi |
(Continued from p. 120). XXX.
| captured from Mir Haidar, the Gabari, and Having traced the doings of the three con other forts in the Kohpayah or skirts of the tingents which Chinghiz sent from the Indus, hills, and stayed in this district three months. let us now turn to those of the great conqueror Thence he sent envoys to Iyal Tamsh, the himself. After Jalâlu'd-din's army had been Sultan of Dehli, apparently to ask his dispersed, and he had been driven across the permission to be allowed to return home to river, Chinghiz, we are told by Minhaj-i-Saraj, Mongolia through Hindustan by way of Lakhwent in pursuit of the Ighraki Musalmans (who nawati and Kamrud, or as Minhaj-i-Saraj says, were very numerous) towards Gibari, which in another place, by way of Koh-i-Karachal and Major Raverty identifies as "the country north Kamrud. Our author tells as that Chinghiz of the Kabul river, between the Kaman or river consulted the burnt shoulder-blades of sheep of Kunar, and the Landey Sind, i.e. Bajawr, as to the advisability of taking this route, but and the tracts forming its southern boundary." finding the augury unpropitious he determined Chinghiz took the fortress of Gibari, probably to return home by another route.• He first Gabarkot, which Sultan Babar afterwards went, we are told, to Peruan, where he waited
Tabakat--Nasiri, 1048 and note. * ibid. pp. 1044-1045.
* Op. cit. pp. 1046 and 1081. . ibid. p. 1047.