Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 183
________________ JUNE, 1885.] UJJAIN PLATES OF VAKPATIRAJA OF DHARA. 161 opa . TRANSLATION. Om! May the lustre of the hardy throat of Srikantha increase your happiness !-(that lustre) which, meeting the poison-fire of the hissing serpents, appears like the smoke (of it); which, when in contact with the horns of the shining moon fixed on his head, is like Rahu; (and) which, rolling over the quivering cheeks of the daughter of the mountain, is beautiful like musk (applied to them)! May the trembling frame of Mora's foe protect you ! --(that frame) which, distressed by separation from Radha, was not comforted by the moonlike face of Lakshmi,-nor refreshed by the water of the ocean,-nor calmed by the lotus (growing out) of his own lake-like navel,-nor soothed by the sweet breaths from the thousand hoods of the serpent Sesha ! (L. 5.)-The most worshipful, the supreme king of Maharajas, the supreme lord, the illustrious Vâk patirkjadeva, the favour ite of the earth, the royal ruler of men, who is a favourite of Fortune, also called the illustrious Amoghavarshadeva,-who meditates on the feet of the most worshipful, the supreme king of Maharajas, the supreme lord, the illustrious Siyaka deva, --who meditated on the feet of the most worshipful, the supreme king of Maharajas, the supreme lord, the illustrious Vairisim hadeva,-who meditated on the feet of the most worshipful, the supreme king of Mahárájas, the supreme lord, the illustrious Kộishṇarajadeva : (L. 9.)-He, being in good health, gives notice to all king's officers, Brahmaņs and others, and to the resident Patiakila" people, and others assembled at the village of Semba la para ka, which is held by the Mahásádhanika, the illustrious Mahaika, and appertains to the Tinisa pa dra Twelve : (L. 10.)—“Be it known to you that, to increase the spiritual) merit and the fame of Our parents and Ourself, (and) believing in a future reward (of pious deeds), We, encamped at the glorious Bhagavat pura, have, in this year 1036, on the full-moon day of the bright half of Karttika, on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon, at the request of Å sini, the wife of the Mahdsádkanika, the illustrious Mahâīka, with great devotion and (confirming our gift) with (the pouring out of) water, granted by an order, for such time as the moon, the sun, the ocean and the earth endare, this the above-written village up to its proper boundaries, the grass and pasture land, with the money-rent and share of produce, with the uparikara, (and) including all dues,-to the Bhattariká, the glorions goddess Bhatteśvari, at the glorious Ujjayani, for the purpose of (defraying the expenses of bathing, anointing, flowers, perfumes, incense, the naivedya (offerings) and public shows, and also for the putting in order of the temple buildings," when damaged or out of repair. (L. 17.)—"Being aware of this, the resident Pattakila and people, being ready to obey our commands, should at all times make over to her everything, all due share of the produce, taxes, money-rent, and so forth. And knowing that they share in the reward of a pious deed like this, those who may be born in our own family, and other future rulers, should assent to and preserve this religious gift that has been conferred by us." (L. 20.)-And it has been said :-[Here follow five of the customary benedictive and imprecatory verses, which it is unnecessary to translate.] (L. 28.)—In the year 1036, on the 9th day of the dark half of Chaitra, (this grant was written) in the famous most victorious camp located at Guņa pura; and (the official) who conțeys (the king's) own orders" regarding this is the illustrious Rudraditya. This is the own sign-manual of the illustrions Vâk patirå ja deva. 15 On Pattakila, see Hall in Journ. Americ. Or. Soc. Vol. VII. p. 40. The title Mahasidhanika I have not found elsewhere ; but compare mahdsadhanabhaga in Rijatarangint IV. 143. * I am not certain about the exact meaning of the term arasimatrinayatigocharaparyanta ; Colebrooke, Misc. E88. Vol. II. p. 312, renders it by "within the proper bounds, extending to the grass and pasture;" Mr. Kir. tane, ante Vol. VI. p. 53, by" with all its proper boundaries, which extend as far as the ground for the tending of the cattle and for cutting grass" extende, covering the space of one kos.' the spam somewhat doubtful abont the eiact force of the word jagati after devagriha; jagati is said to be used synonymously with vastu; and devagrihajagati may mean the temple and the grounds' or the temple and the buildings' (such as a Dharmasaza) connected with or attached to it. Ajñadapaka appears to be the same as the Dataka, royal messenger 'oompare the more common Ajflapti and ojno, ante, Vol. XII. p. 138, 1. 28; p. 123, 1. 24, &c.


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